
Showing posts from September, 2013
the end.

Time to go.

You know, I do not like disrespect and over the years I have been getting too much and it has reached a point where I refuse to live like this. I will not stay a slave to fear. I am ending this blog! And I will never return unless I get the respect I deserve and not be deemed among criminals. But people are twisted,very twisted and instead of talking and writing stories that do not get the serious point into people's heads- I will do something,yes a good something-that my friends is not kill anyone or harm anyone but not write on here anymore forever and ever. the end.

a great sadness...

we said we could go on. we said we could go on-but we did not say we could fight forever against an impossibility .... and so we leave. we leave. We cancel the show and leave. and leave forever never to re open again. ----------------------------------------------------------this blog is pointless because most of my real audience probably didn't exist in the first place and well if you write for money it obviously has no real purpose.

A secret behold!

Let me-tell you a story about everything there ever was because everything there ever was, forever was trapped in a box- in a box-in a box called the existence. How it got settled one day! The chaos started to melt away ,a new power rose that day! And then boom! BOOM! UNIVERSES ALL ACROSS THE SPACE LIKE AN EXPLODED VACUUM! Hear me now, a secret to behold! A secret be-hold! A secret to be-hold! Hear me-NOW! A SECRET TO BE TOLD I WILL NEVER-GET OLD!!! woAHHHAAA! A SECRET BEHOLD! so I told you but you won't listen-you just won't listen! YOU JUST WON'T FUCKING LISTEN!!!!!! so when you go on to better things past this world we know and love, you won't be doing anything-just rotten-rotting in hell! in hell! IN HELL!  HELLL! Hear me now, a secret to behold! A secret be-hold! A secret to be-hold! Hear me-NOW! A SECRET TO BE TOLD I WILL NEVER-GET OLD!!! woAHHHAAA! A SECRET BEHOLD! A SECRET BEHOLD! A SECRET BEHOLD! A SECRET! ...


So we are going to things differently so much than in the past-fame and insurance aren't a blast- so we need some funds, need to make some quick chore runs for our cause-of telling good stories where it is not business as usual- this constant cycle of nonsense meaningless stories- support us today or get out of our way! And that's all I got-all I got to say! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! Different things (support lyric books for only 8).


Red Brown Maiden! How is it going? And don't give me that! Disrespect! Red Brown Maiden-I'll follow you around this town do all things I want to do for you to keep you safe. But I guess you're safe without me! Red Brown Maiden! You're safe without me! Without me! You're safe without me! Red Brown Maiden! Don't get laid in and forget that you were safe with me. Just don't get laid in and forget you were safe-with me! Red Brown Maiden! Got Laid in! Too secure! I cannot forever have some wannabe reputation killer following me! I cannot have some-reputation-reputation killer following me! LEAVE ME BE! LEAVE ME BE! Damn you freak boy leave me be! Words still in my memory! I shouldn't have let it be. The failed pregnancy that would kill you and me! Hopefully not literally for me! Red Brown Maiden! You're safe without me! Without me! You're safe without me! Red Brown Maiden! Don't get laid in and for...


basically.. are you ready for some new songs? ARE YOU READY FOR SOME NEW SONGS?!

DEATH GUN's New adventure.

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Don't you slip on the soap! The other girls will slit your throat! Don't you slip on the soap! LIFE is hard but in the rainstorm you'll scream loud and the lighting will fear you! People will you!  But you'll just keep screaming! Just keep kissing in a rainstorm! A rainstorm! COLLEGE IS HARD! GETS HARDER WITH A RAINSTORM and no one to love! No one to hold when its cold! LIFE is hard but in the rainstorm you'll scream loud and the lighting will fear you! People will you!  But you'll just keep screaming! Just keep kissing in a rainstorm! A rainstorm! The rain will wash us clean and we'll be forever a clever machine of love and romance if you would just give me the chance! Just give me the chance! This love is a rainstorm! But we are going to be washed clean! LIFE is hard but in the rainstorm you'll scream loud and the lighting will fear you! People will you!  But you'll just keep screaming! Just keep kissing in a rainstorm! A rainstorm! Life ...


I'm going to get louder! Ha-HA! I'm going to get louder-la-la! Intersession into the rainstorm just hear the words to this song and take ballerina-ic form! FORM! Intersession into the rainstorm! I am hope! I am alarm!  I am... DISTASTEFUL! HOPEFUL! ALARM! I will solve your problems! RAR!!!!!!! I'm going to get louder! I'm going to get louder! Louder! I'm going to get louder, louder! I'M GOING TO GET LOUDER! RAR!!! -- scream for ice cream.


I've been searching around-this place! A solid stony ground of fake-fagetry  reality! YAH! And I see someone but I don't trust that someone at all than I trust myself- than I trust myself!A-A-AH! I don't know what love is anymore! I just don't know what it is anymore! It's something that has to be real-to be felt by both sides of the party or its just a mega mind fuck on yourself! NOW WITH EYES TO SEE! TOWARDS A GREAT DESTINY! I will be reconquered by love and agony just to show you their is no fear in me! IN ME! IN me! With great eyes to see! I'll drive love back to me. A second take on the situation is where the curly brown haired girl in my dreams undresses with me and we just let go all steamy and screamy! NOW WITH EYES TO SEE! TOWARDS A GREAT DESTINY! I will be reconquered by love and agony just to show you their is no fear in me! IN ME! IN me! With great eyes to see! I'll drive love back to me. With great eyes to see-I see all that or love co...


So when I rolled up,in devil's bakery there was nothing but misery! Tried to be this! Tried to be that! Knowing all you know what you are! You are! A terrible! Terrible! Piece of pastry! You are! A terrible! Terrible! Piece of pastry! Nobody want's to see your face but only in the devil's bakery is the misery of you getting eaten! By heroes rolled in defeating the demons they see! The demons they see. But you'll try out to be a demon too! And everyone will hate you more than ever before! More than ever before! Tried to be this! Tried to be that! Knowing all you know what you are! You are! A terrible! Terrible! Piece of pastry! You are! A terrible! Terrible! Piece of pastry! Nobody want's to see your face but only in the devil's bakery is the misery of you getting eaten! By heroes rolled in defeating the demons they see! The demons they see. But you'll try out to be a demon too! And everyone will hate you more than ever before! More than ever before...


  REAL NATURE: END OF UNIVERSE TERROR CHAPTER 1 Real Nature is.... These are stories spun of questions created/asked by the author and includes various different views of the characters in the situations they are placed in. The story follows Jamie and Jyuera ,runaways from their town in a post apocalypse world that you'll find out later its true identity. The two meet Henry/Danny a traveler from a different dimension who seems tied into how their world got destroyed and later on Reane- who has seen the world become destroyed, together they must find Moira, the time traveler-the only person that can fix their world forever! This story and its turns for only $4.

How hard is it for you to concentrate when talking with an attractive girl?

ANNOUNCER: SO WHEN WE LAST LEFT YOU... " I WAS FOUND!"Moira seems to shout across the passageway! She is rolling about in what ever space she has in the time lock,"I really don't know what I just said but..something is wrong-that is not R!" My name is Jamie and things have really taken an odd turn. We have found Moira, the girl that has the potential to heal our dying planet that is suffering from the effects of  a type of faulty terraform device that my ancestor created."NO!" Reane shouts his back turned,hairs on his neck standing up,"It can't be-you coward you are still alive!" Everyone in the room shudders and I let go of Jyuera's hand, I turn to her,something doesn't feel right all of the sudden about this R individual," I want you to run! Get help!" "oh, my retard- not even descendant!" R says smiling right directly at me, his appearance wispy then turning into a man with long brown hair tied back in ...

Some non-popular-non mainstream artists.

You know there are some bands that have awesome sounds but don't get enough credit if they don't meet pop standards that closed minded people usually listen to, but if you are an open minded person like'll understand that these are very good artists! And should never be called noise! Good Music- :) * Sleeping with Sirens - What I think: One of the best bands ever because the songs are geared towards people who have really bad times early in life-you know teenage years and downward-there is even one song where it is about a father who has abandoned his son. It is also a great mood maker because it contains a lot of good sounds in my opinion and the songs are something that are catchy and stay in your head long. Did I mention if you fall asleep to this music in your loop, it is absolute heaven. * Sky Sailing -What I Think- Yes, this comes from Adam Young, creator of Owl City, his older written songs. They have a beautiful bedtime like feel to them that can...


There is some sad news today folks, their will be soon ads on the blog so- another blog will open with no ads. Did I even mention that this blog originated from a blog that was previously, private? So stay tuned.

New project: HOW TO GET R.

some names that have importance-what do they mean? BIG SUN ONE FOX,FOX,FROWL Mystery 6 Protics My Wolf and My Maiden 18 RTH-  Refusing to Hide, Regents Alike.


We are here again! Regardless of past offends. We are here again! And the devil still pretends he's an angel. This is the zenith. Our dreams could die-our may heroic followers could cry! We shall never ever even die! Some blazes of lighting sure are frightening but we'll keep our dreams from dying! So inspiring! So inspiring! We dreamed of manga! Now we are manga! BUT!... Heroes FOR HERE! WE will feel our ways to victory and until then we'll keep our blaze! A sunny star full alliance! Our dreams could die-our may heroic followers could cry! We shall never ever even die! Some blazes of lighting sure are frightening but we'll keep our dreams from dying! So inspiring! So inspiring! We dreamed of manga! Now we are manga! BUT!... Heroes FOR HERE! We will return! We will return! We will return! -- scream for ice cream.


We were fighters and we fought against what they said at here! At the zenith! we would let our dreams die! Let lower aspirations take us. please! I won't let them ,no,no!! At the zenith! Here our dreams die! At the zenith! Our dreams get stronger and brighter. Because they become stronger than money- stronger than any power! We want to bring love onto this entire universal reality that is everything. We are fighters! We are fighters! Fighters so fighters! For a rampant branch of love! O! The many people that die without ever having loved  for the simple nature if you are not needed there-you're not needed there. We'll fight for love but if we get no love.. then love else where,hopefully you are needed elsewhere! At the zenith! Here our dreams die! At the zenith! Our dreams get stronger and brighter. Because they become stronger than money- stronger than any power! We want to bring love onto this entire universal reality that is everything. We are fighters! W...


Here's a pretty troublesome lady. Coming up to me after another he. Coming up to me from the stairs. Neon lighting on the red chairs in the castle parlor! I look down and a sword is where it shouldn't be. And I'm ever so calm because there is no harm at all! The lady is still coming up to me. And I'll know everything will be alright! I'll know everything will be alright!! She's coming up to me. (Come up to me.) She's coming up to me.(come up to me) Such perfect facial symmetry and red lips say-you survived the sword! NOW I SUCK LUCK. NOW I SUCK LUCK. I'm happy and cherished scary. She's onto me! OUT OF BELIEF! She says.I suck luck!   I know everything will be alright with such an eagle eyed savory vixen in my sight! All dripping wet in emotion and so tender coming out of that red dress presses me on the bed and paints my lurid imagination- a romancy shade of red!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's coming up to me. (Come up to me.) She's coming up t...


The weekend is slowly approaching and we are on a rocky small boat down this stream we call life. Blue, green waters! Romance. We are on the dream line to heaven in our minds. oh, in our minds-our lovely minds. Behind us is the horror of the past lives, the other days of the week and we won't take a peak back-no. ! My darling is sweet-so brown and pale at the same time. so very pale and so brown curls. In her eyes-I see the manifestation of love itself. Itself. She'll kiss me! And I won't hold back till the weekend ends. We are so glad. so glad.To be together because now we can actually be loved. Weekend don't end! Don't end-this is the dream line! This is the dream line. Dream Line.  

# 3 Paper Essay.

    In the article, "Interest,Learning and the Psychological Processes That Mediate Their Relationship" it explains what interest really is in the frame of the human mind. In his article there are three types of interest, individual,situational, and topic.Individual interest is made out to be an individual’s predisposition to certain stimuli( things that affect them), events, and objects.Situational interest is caused by certain aspects of the environment. These include content features like human activity or life themes, and structural features like the ways where tasks are organized and presented.Topic interest, the level of interest triggered when a specific topic is presented, seems to have both individual and situational parts.   Previous studies have established that other mechanisms are needed for interest building in certain areas and can change over time. This recent study investigated relationships between individual, situational...

Could humanity be shrunken down to the size of a backyard?

It is Jyuera again, can life get any more weird? This guy R takes us down to some sort of underground area where people are lounging or taking a nap."you see" R points at the people," they come from one of the many million cities". R pauses and turns to us and says turning," I'll ask this guy-no joke!ha-HA!" R goes to a guy with a red cap with a white star on his head who seems in deep mediation. " I am from Franz-New Franz 2002.3 KAHIQ"the man smiles with his eyes closed"are these people from the outside world?" The man opens his eyes and they are a deep neon red with glowing white pupils. "woah!" I say uncaring about the guys emotions but those are some peepers that seem to see right to the core of your very begin.  The others don't look surprised and Jamie doesn't stop holding my hand-maybe he's scared but no! He's perfectly calm and alert-I really need to get it together or I'm really going to lo...




 NOTE: THE STORY BELOW IS ONLY A SAMPLE, YOU SHOULDN'T USE IT.  Questions to consider while writing: How will the characters interact? What images do I want to accomplish for the viewer? What will become some trademarks of the series? How do I end without running out of ideas(see tutorials) What events do I want to happen in the story? What effects will the events in the story have on the characters?  GENRE: FICTION-ACTION AND ADVENTURE! List of characters: 1. Rant Kyle-wild type of con man. 2. Lieus Vorne -a boy from the beaches of Acortia 3.Reyna Crowulada- Lieus' best friend 4. Witch Haggle-a girl who practices witchcraft By Method , List: 1. Great Baskin, a spirit of epic proportions reveals to the younger spirits of confetity that there was another universe before this one and another earth called Merth. ( introduction of main characters). 2. Lieus Vorne in his intention to reach the bottom half of the world(Merth is split in two halves)-Mafia Boss...

Little Lady

Little Lady...Your cute but you don't seem the beast, the sexual beast to say the least- you're the princess and that male you date is a beast! Now Little Lady,how does he? How does he?! How does he?!!!!! GET YOU ON THE FLOOR. Do you kick or scream-yell for more. You don't have to be abused-so badly treated-the secret underneath it is YOU CAN GET OFF THE FLOOR! And send your soul out of the cellar door. I'm just a teddy, a girl named Betty, yours- but you are so scared to talk to me while I'm in the corner. Talk to me! I'm in the corner! SCREAMING! TALK TO ME! I Love you,please........! PLEASE! How does he?! How does he?!!!!! GET YOU ON THE FLOOR. Do you kick or scream-yell for more. You don't have to be abused-so badly treated-the secret underneath it is YOU CAN GET OFF THE FLOOR! And send your soul out of the cellar door. I'm just a teddy, a girl named Betty, yours- but you are so scared to talk to me while I'm in t...

for january 2020

Okay.When I read this again,things will be much greater-I will see how all my sacrifices have landed me this far. Every pain, every downfall that I have to go through-its almost over-it will be over. Everyone will appreciate their spiritual-connect for real with there really is-not what they create or say there is but what there really is. Even if I read this and I'm sad at how this was a better time in my life and I'll feel nostalgic for it! I WON'T! TOO much mess has happened just for me to forget it and act like it never happened-there needs to be justice and honor for all the wrongs that have happened. These weren't good times-never good times! Can an individual just try to protect people from an evil they don't know? Nah,you can't or they will just defend the evil and then suffer later on with some type of realization. You got to make them realize it faster-not force them but gently guide them to it or something before its too fucking late to return!! ...


Big Update: I am ready to sell-well not just yet-I am going to take some time to review and promote the project! What I am selling is a game changer-that will make artists-people who are looked down upon and turn them into something great-something un-expandable! All this with the purpose of story telling and a hefty price of $500 dollars( around the price of a computer)! It may be a lot for artists or not, depending on your stage but the knowledge contained inside should really be some millions of dollars. With this and your brain, critical thinking and imagination-you can create many comic book series in a matter of weeks while the competition struggles putting together one by one a comic series! So tell your friends-if you are tried of  art being even considered not a real job or even an important aspect of life. Other than this-I am going to come out with several online books-one called Slayers of Wolve and an expanded more detailed version of the storyline I have recent...


 We as humans have come to a very important part of our history. I once read a book called Pendragon where a boy is a traveler fighting a demon among different territories and they all each have their own turning points in their history. These turning points effectively decide if their future will be good or if it will be bad. Enough said, this is only the beginning of the 21st century and changes are starting to happen that will change history indefinitely.One thing is corporations like Disney gobbling up all the smaller companies that deal with entertainment and taking away their individuality. If you are an independent comic book maker like I am to be or apart of one the less heard of comic book publishers, you know you write for a purpose-a story-not for money! You see once these smaller entertainment companies get gobbled by a company as cheesy as Disney-the media under them all gets messed up. For one example take Lego, their content nowadays is just messed up. I used to ...


TODAY! THE SUCCESS HAS BEEN EXTRAORDINARY!!! so extraordinary... so many people just viewed this blog it! SO! EXTRAORDINARY! Didn't need a fairy at all! To make a wish,to sky rocket the ratings high! HIGH!!! TODAY! THE SUCCESS HAS BEEN EXTRAORDINARY!!! so extraordinary... so many people just viewed this blog it! SO! EXTRAORDINARY!  Didn't need a fairy at all! To make a wish,to sky rocket the ratings high! HIGH!!! ANNOUNCER: This has been extraordinary-don't wait till much later to read the new stories from the list -right here on MTC!


so it was slow it was dry- the torrents of the desert were tearing us alive! We are going to make it out alive! This we die-This we die-o yah! We are never going to make it in this fabulous storm! Never let the torrent consume us! You and I! Only one voice shall stay alive! So its me over you and I! I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sand is just tearing us alive the sand is just tearing us alive but I will be the one too survive! Broken horror story-two angry men in an epic battle to survive!!!!!! O-woah-to survive! SURVIVE! We are never going to make it in this fabulous storm! Never let the torrent consume us! You and I! Only one voice shall stay alive! So its me over you and I! I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  so it was slow it was dry- the torrents of the desert were tearing us alive! We are going to make it out alive! This we die-This we die-o yah! I am screaming I have survived!!!!! I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey buddy,so I'll think I'll be missing the trip to the zoo that we had planned,I have come down with some serious type of flu. I am @ coughing,wheezing,squirming and gagging, I have come down with something so very serious. I am confined to the bed of a hospital because it is a very serious matter that I have gotten from some individual who must not be named( @ sick son of a gun 2013).We'll I have to go with being sick and all-I can't use my digits for anything longer than some seconds-so without further notice...wait, could you please text me during the event to see what would be the best time for us to go out together and have some fun, thx. Your buddy. -----------------------------Extension of Assignment------------------------------------------------  Dear, Mr. Issac I hope you are having a wonderful sunny and bright-happy day.I am contacting you to ask for an extension on the assignment that is due tomorrow afternoon. I am really sick with the flu and hardly c...


So ya, those stories that I featured on here,I stopped-so I could get some oxygen, a resting period to give the story new life. You see the story is split into two parts and what I have created is a massive ending to part 1 and a greater part 2 which is less mysterious than it usually is because you get to know the planet the characters live on. And as on the previous post, I'm working on a project to sell comic book ideas to artists and writers for $500 dollars which could make being an artist a bit easier if you know where I am coming from. This is my big news.

DEAR YOU guys.

DEAR MODERN MEDIA DIGESTERS , Your media sucks. Your comics are ruled mostly by companies called MARVEL and DC Comics who struggle to put out media and work with over fucked-I mean over abused characters. MARVEL was once great and probably still has some spark in it but it has been taken over by a greedy company called DISNEY who seems not to know when to stop being greedy and fucking up things. A seventh star wars movie? Are you fucking kidding me. Now Disney has sent the competition between these two comic giants to a domination by MARVEL. I mean that Avengers movie was awesome-any movie by DC struggles for greatness,only Batman proves the exception(of course," I'm Batman!").The point is beside Marvel and DC comics-there is Dark Horse Comics and other comic brands I don't know about-they hardly have anything going for them but loyal fans.  The point of this is to look at one branch of media and show you-it really isn't going to work out-media in America is...

LIST OF JOBS-Daily Ripoff.

A Accountant - Accountants and auditors keep track of a company's money; managers look at the accountants' reports to see how well their companies are doing. Actor - Actors perform in stage, radio, television, video, or motion pictures. It's hard for most actors to find steady work. Only a few become famous "stars." They also teach in high school or college drama departments, acting conservatories, or public programs. Actuary - Actuaries deal with risk; they decide how likely things such as death, sickness and disability are to occur, as well as the costs of these things. Animal Keeper - Meet Juan Rodriguez, Animal Keeper of the Asia Trail at the National Zoo. Animation Careers - Learn about the different artistic and technical careers. Announcers  - Announcers, sometimes called deejays, present music, news, and sports and may provide commentary or interview guests about these topics or other important events. Aquarium Careers - Monterey...