
We are here again! Regardless of past offends.
We are here again! And the devil still pretends he's
an angel. This is the zenith.

Our dreams could die-our may heroic followers
could cry! We shall never ever even die!
Some blazes of lighting sure are frightening
but we'll keep our dreams from dying! So inspiring!
So inspiring! We dreamed of manga! Now we are manga!
Heroes FOR HERE!

WE will feel our ways to victory and until then we'll keep
our blaze! A sunny star full alliance!

Our dreams could die-our may heroic followers
could cry! We shall never ever even die!
Some blazes of lighting sure are frightening
but we'll keep our dreams from dying! So inspiring!
So inspiring! We dreamed of manga! Now we are manga!
Heroes FOR HERE!

We will return! We will return! We will return!
scream for ice cream.


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