How hard is it for you to concentrate when talking with an attractive girl?

" I WAS FOUND!"Moira seems to shout across the passageway! She is rolling about in what ever space she has in the time lock,"I really don't know what I just said but..something is wrong-that is not R!"
My name is Jamie and things have really taken an odd turn. We have found Moira, the girl that has the potential to heal our dying planet that is suffering from the effects of  a type of faulty terraform device that my ancestor created."NO!" Reane shouts his back turned,hairs on his neck standing up,"It can't be-you coward you are still alive!"
Everyone in the room shudders and I let go of Jyuera's hand, I turn to her,something doesn't feel right all of the sudden about this R individual," I want you to run! Get help!"
"oh, my retard- not even descendant!" R says smiling right directly at me, his appearance wispy then turning into a man with long brown hair tied back in a pony tail in a black business suit with a very sinister facial appearance-he has a mustache which is black and in two pieces. His eyes are red with white pupils,I then recognize what the guy had said from being from whatever place he was is a lie. Henry literally runs for the exit and hits an invisible wall of some sort. The guy that followed behind, his skin turns gray and his eyes are red with white pupils and he is super boney with cold looking wisps coming from around his body-he has no legs, he just floats in the air-just a torso.
"OH GREAT &*%^" I exclaim!
I notice that  Jyuera isn't shaking a bit.
The man I believe is Want Davidson starts to smile and I see that man has completely gone-it is a soul less demon in a once human shell.

So some mess has gone down and to cut to the chase my name is Jyuera and I could officially be the best puzzle solver every because it seems like we-Jamie and me have left our town-life has become crazy. As it turns out, the guy who has been leading us into this miniature like city structure is actually Want Davidson and he looks to be what is accompanied with what the Science called a ghost.
" I got what is going on!" Jyuera says," This has all been a big trap-you noticed us leaving our town didn't you? You've probably known about Jamie for many years and you probably knew that your only descendant-wasn't actually biologically yours but Reane's, a person you hate for no particular way but that he slept with your wife!"
Reane looks surprised I pieced  it all together.
"YES! I AM WANT DAVIDSON!" the man shouts out ,"and I got you kids to follow the orders of the science and lead me right were I wanted to be-civilization!"
Reane interrupts, " let me guess-those people in the lobby are Ghosts? They aren't that scary-LOL!"
" You would be correct!"Want Davidson," Now I want Jamie or you, Reane B#@4^%^ to pass through the time block so I can use this child of yours to go back into my past before you even become familiar with my wife and kill you!"
" what makes you think I'm going to do that?" Reane and Jamie say at the same time.
" or my angelic friend in the back drop will extinguish your friend's life!" Want Davidson snears," by the way how did you..." I turn away from Want Davidson and see that Elinor has her hand to Henry/Danny's face and is smiling brightly," hello children!"
" Elinor!" Reane says not shocked," you B*^%&!"
"alright-what have you got for us now!" Reane says.
"well, your friend could get his head blown off-quickly!"Want Davidson shouts!
"now, little girl!"Want Davidson directs at me," how did you know there was only one child from my family?"
"Umm!" Jamie interrupts," everyone in town knows that you only had one child!"
"It's common history!" Reane says.
This seems to be a snap in the face to Want Davidson and he yells and launches at me!
" I WILL KILL YOU ALL-WHERE IS MOIRA!" the man shouts!
Jamie barely has the chance to shoot Want when he collapses trembling, the Ghost with him!
The man is bleeding from a  hole that is his the area where the heart is," ELINOR?!"
The man lays flat on the ground and the Ghost yells out and the man and the Ghost seem to speak at one time," ELINOR HOW COULD YOU! WE HAD EM CORNERED!"
"no-what you have done to all those people wasn't right at all!" Elinor says and I turn and notice that
Moira is right next to Danny's side, all young and vibrant looking.
" This was all a hoax mate!" Moira smiles," We tricked you into believing you had some type of power and that finding your time traveling spouse's daughter-me would fix anything-first of all we had Reane empower Jamie-next we got Jyuera to lead him out of town-and who does your ghostly behind hate-my descendants all strewn throughout and upon the vast timeline of this world once called Earth"
I look towards Jamie and he is in a gasp," so did you really like me at all!?"
 " yes! I've always loved you-I was just planning to go somewhere else than out of the town until Elinor and Moira contacted me-Moira knows a lot, she help me position myself for that very day!"
I smile-Jamie smiles right back.
" my head hurts!" Jamie says," too many surprises!"
"DAMMIT!"Want Davidson shouts in dying gasps," was Science in on it too? Does everyone hate me?!"
" YES!" everyone in the room clamors.
The man cries," that's too bad! because you know how I got rich! I was a time traveler once by one wish! we all had one wish! Reane got immortality and Elinor wanted to be with me forever-where did it go wrong! I WAS THE GOOD GUY ONCE!"
The man then dies.
"you know what to do!" Elinor turns to Moira.
"yeah-this is the hardest part guys!" she turns and announces to the room,"You see-he was never supposed to exist-he kinda just escaped non-existence and in a massive butterfly affect, he caused the defeat of a beautiful world."
"What?-then what caused him to come out!?" I say baffled by an explanation that seems amazing and lurid but it really is the truth. The guy probably couldn't have children, the guy probably didn't have anything-I was just by chance those wishes that he actually became something.
" A dimensional traveling error-Danny's crew got too close I believe-when I last left them-they got too close to existence and it mistakenly traded up and now one of those nice universes got &^*# up!"
Moira smiles and then says jumping forward," be back in a sec-this is the time I go back and save  everything!"
It is too late and everyone notices the price of Moira saving everything, would we even exist in the first place. I reach and kiss Jamie," It was nice! I wish we could have done more!"
" yeah-I wish................"



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