DEAR YOU guys.

Your media sucks. Your comics are ruled mostly by companies called MARVEL and DC Comics who struggle to put out media and work with over fucked-I mean over abused characters. MARVEL was once great and probably still has some spark in it but it has been taken over by a greedy company called DISNEY who seems not to know when to stop being greedy and fucking up things. A seventh star wars movie? Are you fucking kidding me. Now Disney has sent the competition between these two comic giants to a domination by MARVEL. I mean that Avengers movie was awesome-any movie by DC struggles for greatness,only Batman proves the exception(of course," I'm Batman!").The point is beside Marvel and DC comics-there is Dark Horse Comics and other comic brands I don't know about-they hardly have anything going for them but loyal fans. 
The point of this is to look at one branch of media and show you-it really isn't going to work out-media in America is set to become monopolized by Disney and some of you may want that. But let's face the truth-Disney doesn't focus on the story, it focuses on the money only-not the story,it only messes up anything that was telling a good story before. Writers are pushed to the wrong side of imagination! The part that only let's them envision which story line will help them make more money.
Now,the only reason I bring this up is because I have a solution. I will write generalizations of an entire series that would take payed writers many years to create,will only take me some weeks to put it all together. Here is my trick, bring me some artists and writers like myself and I can give them a potential franchise they can reshape with their hands. Each series contains many ideas and their connected characters. The price will be set at $500 dollars-around the price of a laptop. Now,listen, for $500 dollars you could have your own potential franchise where the base story is already set,the character's roles are set and also you do not have to worry about writing an ending. 
This would be a big revolution in media making, companies with too much power could be toppled easy with a bunch of independent artists and writers writing stories that already have defined endings. No more of this act now-think later attitude,now is the time for "think now and forever on how we can make the media product better for the costumer!"
So join me soon-contact the artist and writers you know.
You can find me at:
or send me an email on my progress of ten gen. series! Yah!


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