We as humans have come to a very important part of our history. I once read a book called Pendragon where a boy is a traveler fighting a demon among different territories and they all each have their own turning points in their history. These turning points effectively decide if their future will be good or if it will be bad.
Enough said, this is only the beginning of the 21st century and changes are starting to happen that will change history indefinitely.One thing is corporations like Disney gobbling up all the smaller companies that deal with entertainment and taking away their individuality. If you are an independent comic book maker like I am to be or apart of one the less heard of comic book publishers, you know you write for a purpose-a story-not for money!
You see once these smaller entertainment companies get gobbled by a company as cheesy as Disney-the media under them all gets messed up. For one example take Lego, their content nowadays is just messed up.
I used to be a fan of a product they had called Bionicle,somewhere along the time that Disney got ownership over the company-the story stopped and was replaced by this lame-horribly constructed Hero Factory! Compare the two and you'll see that Bionicle had more story value because I was made as if to tell a story, not to make money.Now, this Hero Factory is put together so sparsely that it barely has enough material for one year!The story moves too fast and the parts of the story barely have any depth-it is a joke! It is made too fast without any depth for the purpose that it has the deathly cloud of corporate fuckery. Its only purpose is to make money,not to tell a story! This is my only example,I won't go onto Star Wars and a 7th movie(which is going to be fucked up!) or even onto Marvel(a really fucked up company) to tell you how these things have lost their story value! They are only meant for money,nothing else.

The following document I have put together is too ensure that we don't end up in a world where the government is a big company just looking to make money out of its people. Media is going the wrong way, these bigger comic and media corporations are just looking for some type of thing that really has no value other than what humanity gives it! We, the smaller group of media producers look to tell a story, stories which no matter generation you go, no matter what era you are in, what ever happens is always useful!
History is going the wrong way! How are we to do anything as a human race if the thing that makes us different from another other living being on this planet is being fucked over by these corporations for money! Not even paper but some type of strange fiber! We need not to cut out over spirituality, our stories out just for some short type of fake victory! We need to make them stronger cause stories never lose their value if you do not loose your spirituality. We are headed toward losing our spirituality, a feel of right and wrong just to  accomplish some goal that society has set out for us! Don't just go along with it if you feel its wrong, fight! And here is what I'm going to do! I am going to give you the knowledge to produce a comic series or a tv series or any other series with my ideas here. With this knowledge you could create many series,maybe even a year-what would take these bigger corporations 20 or 50 years to even come up with!
We need not to go in a circle, we need to advance get higher! This is the next level!
Just the other three days, I have created just 60 other series of my own and all I need is the people to work on them with me! You see, with this method-we will have more jobs for artists-get rid of the disgraceful image as artists starving! But keep in mind-this will only work if you value stories-not money.
  What this document entails is a way to end all the horrors that could be coming soon that would be damaging to our culture. The way is to make more artists-more creative thinkers, not conformists-like scientists! It describes how you can make a show or comic that is better than what you see today! All it takes is determination! And a good imaginative mind! You have the power, all it takes is to think these steps,add your own touch, expand what is given here and produce what you have written.
We all have the power to stop this coated over future-not yet seen until it is too late!
The price is $500 dollars for this document and for good reason, I have put my own very sacred story outline into the document and it is 4 volumes with 20 serials to it! It includes various methods I use that will allow you to never lose the grip-the focus of your story if use properly. You see, things like these usually cost up to $35 Million dollars but as no one has that money and I'm committed to the cause of changing the outlook of artists forever! Join me today and for $500 dollars you can learn to make may series price $35 million and over!


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