
Showing posts from March, 2014


dreaming life as it should be. It is all a swim. a big giant swim. to dream during reality. swim.

the lives of the ancients.

remember the time of the ancients breathe life to the new lives of the ancients never forsake this, the lives of the ancients. so merry, so merry, so merry very scary going onto to battle here and there being ancients but its all worth and all wipes away the very sadness from your very soul. the lives of the ancients. the lives of the ancients. good bye.


So in the event of the tragic months long absence of me from this blog. I have decide to write an experimental form of writing I call Merge, I forms together dialogue and poetry prose. First I will cover the news. Next, it will cover a long massive story spanding generations and people. All here, Teen Story. Using from what I learned from my other source, I will fuel in new people to this very blog easily.


Movies, so many movies to move me onward onto the destiny that this is adventure to the rose mary's field to come up with a pirate guild and that's so good, so quip, so assumed, so assured when we are together finally. finally. good day.
you saw the songs here first, find them elsewhere in different variations!


feel blue choice red gossip and fun green hope and adventure yellow the main new themes.

Wake up.

So I have been asleep for months? I think its time to wake up, wake this blog up! So blessed be the pirates, those who can not stop traveling because that is what they are. May they be a family? A group of friends? Or both? Let's go!!!