
Showing posts from April, 2013

Raise to the Power

You got to change- you got to change- even after you been burned at the fist sight of Apocalypse! Awh! Go on and raise to power- they won't be held back for another hour so just help if you please! Go on!Go on! Raise to the power! Bite the bullet back and raise to the power! Are we shot little puppies strung on high? No we are humans with no wings to fly but a burning sensation in our souls!  Awh! Go on and raise to power- they won't be held back for another hour so just help if you please! Go on!Go on! Raise to the power! Bite the bullet back and raise to the power! Burning sensation-kiss humanity goodbye as you raise to the sky- on high-on high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raise to the Power!!!! (screaming!) And raise the shattered conscious back up! 

Raise to the Power

You got to change- you got to change- even after you been burned at the fist sight of Apocalypse!

Dark Truth- We might not survive.

This system of being born and having two individuals take care of you is ridiculous-everyone is their own person and should be treated that way. Many times in this society-the real geniuses are shunned and this false knowledge-knowledge that seems to comfort some humans in their very existence controls their destiny. Not only this-humans are a pain to each other-the family system allows an older generation to block off the younger generations thoughts and desires with their own thoughts and desires. Believe you me-these thoughts and desires are outdated and to teach something new of the past never gets humanity anywhere. People are trapped in the mindset that money is everything, well,I'm here to tell you as a death survivor-that money is nothing-it is an impediment that you should not make yourself a slave to. People always get trapped in the mentality that cities will be here forever-they are apart of our world when the truth is that a person could venture out into the wilder...

Music in the Future!

You know the music you listen to-okay let's but it straight like this in rock... In rock, some rock bands allow their selves to be changed just so the record company can make some money,others just allow theirselves to be what they feel and if they change their music-its for personal reasons. The lives of people who record is harsh-I believe, they have to practice- record to perfection and face criticism. I believe that in the future-bands and other musical groups will be undercut completely by record companies. They will instead hire programers instead of musicians to make the music and  bands will be forced to make it on their own-not a pretty future but what the bands of today need to do today, is to get big-get away from the record company and form their own company. This way bands can make their won decisions and not be influenced by evil wills.

Meeting Places in the Future

You know the thing about high school is that it is designed to give people a bad idea of life. Many children get the bad idea that they will always have friends-when in reality they are trapped in the school frame of mind, where all their world is-is school. But when they reach work they will find no friends mostly-like who becomes friends with people only at a place for money? We'll people do find friends at work but what I am saying is that no one really has friends after high school-the friends you find at work, really aren't your friends because they are more than likely desperate to turn on you for a high pay check. The new thing would be to have a gathering place where people from all sorts and types of businesses could collaborate together and create more things-more projects and therefore more jobs or benefits. Also it would be a good thing to have a social period during school-where you know-people could talk to each other-people could actually learn to talk for ...

The Kiss


Alcohol as Gas

The world has a lack of gasoline to run its cars. So if you walk into a bar in the future-the bar tender might just say to you,"we are out of liquor" And if you ask why, they'll give you a serious look because the rule would be in effect for a while. The sexy bar tender-a lady with a serious biting and confused look will say,"mr./mrs., we ran out of alcohol and liquor because the gas station needed gas" You would be astonished and the lady would go on to explain something like this after first embarrassing you," the heavens do you live- the gas station  in need of gas rule has been in place for a very long time-just longer than what I can remember-I am only 25 years old and you look to be 38-been here. The point is bars have to partner with gas stations so they can use our liquor to turn into gas-or if you have bar immunity- you don't have to give them the booze but you either partner with a liquor provider, start a vineyard or something-beer is fr...

Smart People's Poligamy For Humanity

So you see all those people at school in a certain hallway that just act like animals-but are really just humans with no reason- there is a way to get rid of them. What I would like to introduce is-polygamy-mufti marriage for smart people. The deal is if you get out of college and have the legal ability to get married to more than one person but the other people have to have college degrees or at least be out of high school. These parents would more than likely care about their kid's welfare and hey, the population that creates the humans with no reason would now be out populated by well meaning folk, you see-enact smart polygamy not Mormon polygamy today!
You can go get what you want but you'll never going to get it. Never going to get it the way you want.

Aristocracy of Foolishness- MTC PRATICE RUN 1

Today-all the books you can find about this so called higher learning-you know things that don't add any insight into the world and if they did-the world would have less intelligent people because that's how necessary the information would be-everyone would want to learn it. All textbooks are written by people who have had information shoved down their thoughts and use unnecessary terms and words thinking they are smart when they aren't. They word things so that only people of their learning can understand them- what they are saying-and this is how these false thinkers keep the actual thinkers down. Since when did pre-calculus become mandatory, when some wise person decided it was actually needed to try and explain the world. The sad truth today is that you cannot control who you are born to,how you will escape from this person and other persons if you live to such an age and just how you escape is most likely in this time period  is school. Though, a majority of t...



MTC from TMB

ballet pirouettes-the fuck?( the first thing that pasted when I clicked-awe family!) Well I ain't going to do any but I'm taking this site out of a slow and steady death. By what you ask-by me, all about me-my personal opinion on things. We'll its the thing I've been working on and it'll be ready starting in two week s after I finish some other side projects! And it is not going to be just about me, I'll just show you some of my view points or rather idea you rarely find any body else in existence talking about!