Dark Truth- We might not survive.

This system of being born and having two individuals take care of you is ridiculous-everyone is their own person and should be treated that way. Many times in this society-the real geniuses are shunned and this false knowledge-knowledge that seems to comfort some humans in their very existence controls their destiny. Not only this-humans are a pain to each other-the family system allows an older generation to block off the younger generations thoughts and desires with their own thoughts and desires. Believe you me-these thoughts and desires are outdated and to teach something new of the past never gets humanity anywhere.

People are trapped in the mindset that money is everything, well,I'm here to tell you as a death survivor-that money is nothing-it is an impediment that you should not make yourself a slave to.
People always get trapped in the mentality that cities will be here forever-they are apart of our world when the truth is that a person could venture out into the wilderness and start a society. Even though places for this have really decreased-due to deforestation and other uneducated human effects.

The point I am saying is that eventually our system will collapse-nothing lasts forever.
There is a big thing-a big devastation coming for our world, it is just something you can feel-if you just go outside and take a look! It is not the usual-in some places the weather has seemed to turn against man and it will continue to do so as long as we hurt the planet.

In order to save this world-in civilized countries we need housing for gifted people so they can improve society. Big corporations could offer housing for young people who are at risk of living a horrible life when they have talent-and in turn for housing, these gifted individuals could have jobs and improve those companies-profit for the companies. This way teenagers could escape nonsense they do not to waste their lives on and not become a waste of talent their selves.

Many would argue-we need more mathematicians, scientists and etc for this purpose and that purpose but the point is that majority of the population doesn't even use math and science.
What can you inspire people with-only using math and science-no imagination-no human touch?
Can you tell them they wil1 live to be a 100?
Will they die of cancer?
Is there a cure for AIDS?
The point is Math and Science are only poor ways to understand the world-they are actually silly, they try to explain everything yet-can they feed the thousands? Can they fix a race of living beings so caught up into their selves -they are willing to degrade their selves at any possible chance?
The answer is no-because science and math are made my people who like to play creator!
Why do you think it is-if the information was so important-everyone would be forced to know it like one knows they have to die or that they were born-it is made by a group of people focused not educating everyone but keeping their selves ahead! Enough of math-enough of science-they should be only use as tools for a goal-not a lifestyle or profession.

We need culture makers and people that will create things to keep humanity moving-not complacent.
Our system doesn't work  because as time goes on-things become more complicated and complex and a race of living beings that wants to stay the same way forever-in a learned nature!
It is either strive to change or we might not survive!


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