Meeting Places in the Future

You know the thing about high school is that it is designed to give people a bad idea of life.
Many children get the bad idea that they will always have friends-when in reality they are trapped in the school frame of mind, where all their world is-is school. But when they reach work they will find no friends mostly-like who becomes friends with people only at a place for money?
We'll people do find friends at work but what I am saying is that no one really has friends after high school-the friends you find at work, really aren't your friends because they are more than likely desperate to turn on you for a high pay check.

The new thing would be to have a gathering place where people from all sorts and types of businesses could collaborate together and create more things-more projects and therefore more jobs or benefits.
Also it would be a good thing to have a social period during school-where you know-people could talk to each other-people could actually learn to talk for real life. These things come in handy-not sitting in some classroom to learn something like chemistry-which only science majors will only use!


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