Pinned Up Interest

Solely, tied up in a bundle
are the interest of one
and then presently and in the future
is work that this society places
on them only to hinder them from
releasing their bundle
and developing a cancer that eats away
at them from the very, very inside.

You promote disgrace to the human
race just so you can advance
and keep your pinned interest bottled
on up. Just you.
You. So you can keep your pinned up interest
to smash everyone's else interest.
Call yourself human but you are only doing a disgrace
to the human race, the race,to the human race.

Solely, tied up in a bundle
are the interest of one
and then presently and in the future
is work that this society places
on them only to hinder them from
releasing their bundle
and developing a cancer that eats away
at them from the very, very inside.

Some people suffer as well as many people
chuckle at them and all their suffering
and nothing of this mean anything to any
petty bystander who one day wakes up in
intorable pain and disdain for the life they never
lived and they can never give as the days dawn
down and dim down to a fraction of time
where ever breath is something to cherish
and still yet the perish wishing
they had seeked the advice to carry out
their pinned up interest.


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