Review of Everyone Thank you-Conspiracy of old, Couple 1

It is the conspiracy of the old
to keep young trapped in their realities
realities they never will live
they are selfish and stupid
so why oh why do they belong together?
Why do they belong together.
The Conspiracy of the old is to
steal and trash the potential of youth
with their nonsense, their grief that they
did not take command of their lives.

We got a vision us, young-to save this lively place
by throwing romance into tragedy's face and
yes we will even unite the old
because that is our belief, our culture to do so.

 Now, I believe this is all about old people's fight against change, they want to prove to the younger generation that there is nothing more to the world than what they have already found out! But have we found the cure to AIDS? Cancer? Can your science solve these problems! No, there is a lot room for advancement because humanity will never know everything that there is to ever know.

 Spergiel: I do not know Kat, about all that Jazz, the world is as it is-flat as a pancake. Unchanging, I still I think it is flat, making it round was just some type of conspiracy.

KAT: Please?! Are you listening to yourself, everyone knows that the world is round, it is scientifically proven and there are a lot of photographs, that were taken before photoshop.

Spergiel: Still a freaking, a freaking conspiracy! The verdict stands! The world is flat.


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