"Please listen!" begged the Science.
"we are listening,as Jyuera said before-rather she was listening",Henry says  strongly and defiantly.
" Dimension traveler, boy of energy and girl of pride-there is something you need to know about the world!"the Science croaked and almost all rolled their eyes,"listen it is not even fully reformed yet-it is still hurt,the invention didn't reach some areas of the planet-some places are dead over dead and the death was evolved!"
"what are you talking about!"Jyuera shouts,"according to legend  the beam worked and it expanded the size of the planet!!"
"NO! CHILD! I THE SCIENCE HAVE BEEN AROUND 10,000 years! I know what I'm talking about-here if you don't believe me-I'll show you it!" the Science almost rattled out of his wooden throne and quickly a hum started,a low hum. In front of the adventurers appeared a hallo graphic screen that seem to show some prehistoric scene with dinosaurs and other beings they didn't know the names to. Then the screen slowly advanced to a fiery scene of flying flaming comets and dead dinosaurs then after this world began to change rapidly, the plants changed,humans and new animals appeared, settlements where set up,civilizations unknown rose and fell, ships went across many seas with some carrying miserable looking humans, wars happened,big cities where built and then...basically the cities got bigger and bigger, the forests tinnier and tinnier. Jamie could only gasp what he saw next, it was a man who looked similar to him looking from a window sad and then turn to retreat into his tower and the view panned out to see a expanded building over following city with a brown sky and people dashing across rooftops-then all of a sudden,they seemed to drop-dead. Then I became apparent that they were cowering from a hideous noise that resounded in a fraction of its glory in the room,then the city seemed to shake and a golden glow radiated turning up a dusty gray cloud that made Henry tremor because it seemed with that cloud carrying with it where the yells of dying people. The view expanded to show a devastated planet with shinning city full continents and brown or black water that was tinged with green spots and from one of these cities,one building, the tower-a golden beam expanded up past the planet. And this beam rose up and then formed its own shell around the planet but the shell wasn't complete-it was full of holes and in an instant anything in the range of the shell-the entire planet seemed  to glow golden and expand. The resulting planet was larger full of trees and fresh water-but some spots seemed death ridden-the ruins of some cities had spread out-some  in a connective band-others in an odd mess.
Jamie, Jyuera and Henry can only dilate their pupils at what they see-some of the ruins are filled with dead bodies that slowly turn to bone, others are filled with angry,dirty and skinny people who are burring dead bodies. Eventually these people seem to evolve,turning into pale human shape-very wispy like.
The hallo gram fades and Jamie exclaims shocked,"was that real?"
"YES!I've been recording-what your ancestor did with his time development tech was that he saved mankind but killed many-almost most of the population-and the survivors evolved into those elusive shapes about a week after that event-imagine them now!" the Science croaks.
Jyuera looks very frightened," so we are just lucky descendants of survivors?who didn't evolve?"
" why correct-but your human genome varies from your ancestor's genome in the fact that your cells can extend high amounts of energy-there are mutations all around the thriving places I've seen and studied!" the Science says,"though all whom live here are clones from cells from corpses I collected"
"this is sick!" Henry says,"this is the sickest of all the 25 dimensions!"
"so what do you want us to do?" Jamie asks as if trying to make up for his lineage.
"find the girl Moira, the time traveler!" the Science exclaims," I've been trying to contact her for 10,000 years but I believe she exists in an alternate reality."


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