If races where to go to war?

"now," said Mr.Shy in his calm blue sweater with a yellow collared shirt with polka dots," You all want to be adventurers! You got to know some history to the places you visit". Jamie takes this pause to stare at Jyuera across from the room, she is absolutely the most amazing girl he has ever seen in his eyes or life. She has on a yellow tank top  and blue tight fitting pants. " look at your halloscreens!" Mr. Shy says and hallographs of  moving past appear  in front of every student in the brown wooden room speckled with white brick. Then Mr. Shy shyly motions over to Jamie on his slender legs and the people in the class start to laugh because Jamie is caught in a daze. Jyuera also smiles brilliantly with the rest of the group,though a smile too bright to not stick out.Mr. Shy gets low bending over, facing Jamie face to face," Pay attention Mr. Davidson! And please-don't stare at my foster daughter so much,you are here to learn-I really don't want to force you because that's against the law-just don't stare-GOOD!? I will not take care of any more children than I have to-OKAY?!"
Jamie backs up for some air and nods his head and leans his chair back too much and slowly as if slow motion falls out of the chair and onto the bare ground-the chair itself topples over and its plastic shell cracks open. The room erupts in laughter even Mr.Shy erupts in pure laughter! Jyuera screams," SILENCE ALL!" Everyone in the room trembles,even Mr.Shy tremors."my darling?"Mr. Shy leads.
Jyuera walks over to Jamie and helps him up. Jamie stares at Jyuera and Jyuera stares back at him affectionately-each with a very tinge in their hearts-love. "come on-!"Jyuera motions Jamie," we are reporting you for forcing Jamie to pay attention;due to the laws of feels!"
"NO!" Mr.Shy erupts," I'll say nothing! No-not a thing! And think of your foster mother-what would become of her and your foster siblings!"
Jyuera turns coldly,Jamie feeling his whole heart in excitement," She has choose someone else-remember?!Or maybe you didn't notice the extra supplies, food and things!" Mr.Shy seems broken,shook-what Jyuera is saying actually make sense.
"You choose her but she has chosen someone else!" Jyuera says.
Then Jyuera looks to Jamie," I choose him-he has chosen me!"
The two walk out and Jyuera smirks-never intending to report Mr.Shy!
Jamie hugs onto Jyuera and she holds him close,"so we are a pair!"
"Never in my greatest dreams would I ever think this day would ever come!"Jamie smiles and Jyuera smiles brightly. The two waltz down the hall as the room they ascended from erupts in chaotic,"ooo's!" and"wow's". Both feeling the connection to each other in their hearts,as if a hole filled. Mr.Shy can only scream on his knees," Can-could you? At least wait!" The two clutch hands and dash away.


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