Hiakin Schools of the Future.

What is Hiakin?! It is a made up word by yours truly-but I believe humans need a better educational and housing system. It just think-college and high school should be combined into one thing! I believe everyone should have a chance to get a high paying job-live a good life and etc.
Everyone would be tested to find out what they would be best at! Then advisers would be there to help them in their goals and ambitions-they could help them get a job when they get out.
I  say it should be 14 years instead of 16+ years. Like how long does it take someone to read, to write, do simple math? I say about 3 to 4 years plus the subjects that would usually be in a high school class-except less, how much useless crap do you need- unless you want to be one of those goddamned scientists!
7 years for basics and 7 years for usual college material but instead of 4 years- 7 and thus less work load-and easy accessibility for everyone! Some might argue, this might make it harder and we love the college experience-the whole $30,000+ expenses  and college things-but it is easier and if public schools where like this than no need for college! And if you really wanted to get out earlier-you could get into one of those established colleges like when you are 7,8 or 9-I mean like really, things could be easy.
To show you how easy this would be for everyone but the government(haha!) I brought in Kevin Gantgrove, a student at a Hiakin School!
Kevin: Hey, everyone! My name is Kevin and I believe you humans-err-other guys, should really think about overthrowing-err-putting up Hiakin schools across the global like they are all across Moira-err-my town!
Hiakin Schools are great! You get the same school experience-the dashing to classes in your later years, homework divided up nicely for you so that it is accomplish able and actually meaningful! In my first years, I discovered I was good and solving problems and debating so now in  my last 7 years I am with other people that I work with on projects and assignments who are also good at solving problems and debating! Here I met my girlfriend and friends and life is good-I don't have to go crying to any drunk corner! So yeah-in just two years, I'll graduate with heavy work experience and ready to go kick some arse without some useless medallions like ya'll have on Earth rather other towns without Hiakin schools! Hiakin schools really add a hitch up into the economy-many people meet and work together who wouldn't have meet in the first place-with these collaborations a lot of things get accomplished without the haste of trying to find parteners or doing it yourself operation in other places where Hiakin schools are not popular! A lot gets accomplished with Hiakin schools-no waste of time really-unless you go into one of those expensive fields like law or some  crana-err-crap. Thank you for you time-I am a moiran-err-human wishing you to push for Hiakin schools today!
You see guys Hiakin schools aren't just a way of making things better-they are the future-indefinitely!


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