FIND MOIRA: Does the store Target make you feel good?

Hello, it is Jyuera yet again, that mysterious guy landed us in a sort of empty city. We walk through and no one is there-not a single one, the doors are all locked too.We come to a white building with a faded red bulls eye with a bunch of red doors.  I tug at one in frustration," no one is here! this is fudged up!" I remove myself from the door. Almost immediately everyone turns to Reane who says yet again," I used up most of my energy transporting here, especially transporting that  tech dude-I am tried-don't bother me about it again!"
"Don't worry!" Jamie smiles(I just love it when he smiles),"I got this with wit!"
Jamie signals everyone behind him and fires at the lock on the door. I then notice this was the worst thing to do-ever,I mean like, I felt a windy breeze pull my hair towards it-then well the rest of my body went with it along with everyone else.
I believe I heard Henry/Danny scream behind me and we went barreling in to this building which seems to be nothing but filled with nicely rows of tables with cities in capsules. I landed on my hands,Jamie went rolling and Henry/Danny and Reane went tumbling back us as the doors cast a backwards breeze shutting and then sealing with a green glow. I run to the door putting my hands on the door and a voice says what I'm thinking,"they are locked-young lady! I am the shop keeper of this fine establishment-it was a Target back in the day-I preserved it all these glorious years-now its a city keeper" This man seems to have flipped a switch  that opened the door-the door probably is even resistant to Reane's attacks. The man is brown skinned with white straight long hair tied back in a long pony tail and wears a flannel shirt  with white tight fitting pants-khaki jeans and yellow suspenders.His shoes seem very shiny and we'll they have this bad feel about them.
"oh-no-you! are legendary!" Reane stands while Henry/Danny helps Jamie who seems to have broken something," we have to be going-we should really count down the death toll then-but still we'll be going!"  The fact that Reane sounds frightening is very nerving,seriously nerving-so fudging nerving.
I stand up,"what is this place really!?!"
The old man smirks and smiles brightly,"now young ladies" the old man takes a moment to look at me and the others.
" Contrary to believe that many people died in that explosion Mr. Davidson did is not even true-the numbers are very small." the old man pauses," you see Mr. Davidson didn't look at the actual picture-just the science picture,what the numbers on his computer said there,truth is-he never went outside!"
"how can this be true-the Ghosts exist right?the Science couldn't be explained-screaming for nothing!"Jamie shouts holding onto a wall for support crimsoning while a gold light expands to his leg fixing it and Jamie sighs in relief.
"oh-sure they exist!But not the number you'd expect-they are misunderstood creatures-they are simply creatures who need coaxing to move on into the next stage when their life spans are done!"
the old man says,"as I was saying-many nations heard of my inventions,especially this invention!They secretly had me shrink their cities-their capitals and re size actually toy models with no denizens!" The man seemed depressed and hangs his head, "though-there where some cities, some nations who wanted no part in my experiment-my product at all! and well that's how you get you guys and the ghosts. Though I tell you-you and the ghosts look exactly alike."
"If you aren't them and aren't us,what are you?!" Jamie speaks up bravely.
"Pure human-my genome isn't tampered with like yours or the ghosts!" the man smiles.
"you said experiment-how can an experiment be stable to save a world!" Henry/Danny says.
"I meant!" the man starts," It was a social experiment-I performed the shrinking task many times before. You want to see?"
"yeah! I want to see!" I say a bit too loudly.
"feisty!" the man says," and by the name-by the way,my name is Ridcardiyo!or just R!"
"Let's go then!" I announce heading towards the tables.
"In time-you don't rush around these cities,my cities-many live in one,I don't want you to trip and kill them all-or many all!!" R says calmly and then protectively," I have friends and family down in these cities you know-some of these new generations want to come out,but its too dangerous-they can only travel between!"
"shall we go!" Reane says tired.
"oh come on!you girl!"R says and departs for a stair way that seems implanted into the very ground of the wide white windy table full store. I really don't want to follow and Jamie clutches my hand as if he saw my look."it's going to be alright!"he says.
"doesn't target give you a good feel?"R says and I imagine him smiling brightly.
I really don't know what a Target was or is-but I know Jamie's love is on Target!


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