Dreams of the Future

Hello,my name is Want Davidson-I am an inventor in -oh, I really don't know what area this is anymore.
The area I look out from my window view in my large tower is literally a mess. Lavish gold buildings tall as mountains have crumbled upon sliver and stone buildings that once at a time were considered modern-now are only are ancient structures full of rotting frightened frames seen to be screaming right at me.
Did I ever mention that I have been asleep for almost 200 years? Past a certain area, some type of green form encamps on the area from all directions-then I remember those green structures are just overgrown trees,then I remember it-I remember it all.
My vision blurs a bit and then I could see for miles and miles and miles, buildings all encroached on each other-black smoke and gray sky replaces the greenish blue sky of today. The pain then surges in and I shiver ever so violently, I created all of this-I had to or human kind would be destroyed completely. I clutched my head, I pushed the red button-I grew the world,did my family survive? How did my wife live the rest of her days-I don't know but I know I can't go anywhere as the vision ends but cry on the cracked floral filled floor. I scream-real loud,but no one can hear me, only the building resounds back my own angry, terrified voice. I look out towards the distance and the sun  is setting, turning the sky pinkish-a re like glow on everything-there is hope right? I cannot be the last human being.


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