Nature Force 1

You know the lyric Rescue Team, got a 11 views and we don't operate on a scale of a 1000 but a hundred-so 11 is lot for this blog. Even before I wrote the poem-I had the idea for a comic series like that where the world would be covered by water and their would be a group that would rise to insure safety among the waters and the islands.
So like in the tutorials- I will post 10 story plots and actually this one will end up to 40.
Kint- leader of group
Karen- sister to Kasedy
Kasadey -brother to Karen
Amelaria- princess who appears later
Rex- red haired boy who has a crush on Karen
1.  The Rescuers Fire are called out to Dargion Port to stop a fire set by the terrorists the Blazers-but Kint finds an insidious plot from an injured dying Blazer who traitor-ed his fellow blazers to set up a signal. 
2. On the Rescuers Water  team, Karen helps investigate the murder of a crystal keeper called Samn- only to discover from Clay and Sliver of the Rift Rafts that several terrorist groups are going to attack Rescuer central.
3.Kasadey on the Rescuers Wind team must help rescue a dying injured girl from an abandoned floating castle-only to find out it is a trap and Kasadey must help his force escape.
4. Amelaria is the only one to escape after her family and the Royal Ice Rescuers/Warriors are attacked and must get help on an iceberg called Royal Delta 9-but finds this is only to force her to use an ability she was banned from using.
5. As all the Rescuers are sent to Royal Delta 9 to save the Royal Family and the Royal Ice Rescuers, Rex, Kasadey,Amelaria,Karen and Kint are the only ones to protect Disradenisa- the largest city on Yure- the largest land mass.
After sending the combined terrorist groups called Worne-to dishonor a legendary hero- the new team sets out to save a missing princess called Leina,who has been missing from 12 years but find the Royal Family is responsible for the attack on their own people for their greed of resources and outright disrespect to human rights.
7. When Kint stabbed by King Morage is dying and the bomb to turn everyone on the land mass of Yure into ice is about to be activated-Rex is possessed by Killan and Worne-two great heroes from the era where land was abundant and saves the day.
8. Leina and the unfrozen rebels take over Yure but people still loyal to the King and Queen want them all dead and when the others are captured- Amelaria,Kasadey and Rex are forced to work together to save them and stop an assassination plot.
9. Bangs of the Sentry Stone Force Knights( the landmass' new force of protectors) seriously wants Amelaria to be his wife but she doesn't want to-and soon the group has to stop an entire legion of SSF Knights mind controlled by Bangs.
10. Bangs angry unleashes the King and Queen and the Royals rise up to take back their government-it is up to the Nature Rescuers to defeat their secret weapon- Badlatos, a man who sped up the melting of the ice caps on Muiltros.


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