my life

You know what I am about to type is what I have never told anybody before...
Ever since I graduated from high school, I feel as though my life is over.
Or maybe I have been feeling my life has been over from the very start of my life.

Let me tell you my origin-how I came to be. Parents are not very important in my creation, if anything-I created myself.

First of all, I started drawing at a very young age, I remember when I was three-I had an inspiration  to make a book. I knew back then, I hated my parents-I just covered it up so I wouldn't be harmed. The push to get away from my parents lead me to go to school just before I turned 5. It really wasn't until I was in 2nd grade I got the idea of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I would say the years I was in elementary school were my best years, I had friends and most importantly I started my first comic book ideas. In 2005, I was determined to complete a book to be for sell the next week, but that didn't happen-eventually I learned patience and finished that book then I went on to write the manuscripts of  its follow ups. A sample of the book was featured on this very site, but I will never put it on here and it won't be available in real for probably a year or some months-how long it takes for me to type it up. Then I was a writer and my parents did everything in their power to fuck over my goals but I persevered!
Eventually, the cycle of creating new ideas over the years and then  in 2009, when I actually finished a lot of old ideas made me a better individual. I learned to stand up against my oppressors, my parents/bullies and I started to advance myself.
Today, I am glad to say after a long struggle-all my original comic ideas are done and the recent ones from 2012 as well. What I mean by comic book ideas is that everything about a comic book series and what will happen in that series has been written down-all that is left for me to do-is to look at an idea and make it into a comic. The ideas have all been preserved via technology and I only need a small push of new ideas to finish the rest and start my comic book career. That is why I am on the computer in the first place, I am drained-I am tried-I am alone and I have finally accepted that this is my life. Whenever I go into my room, I venture off into far away places-places where no one else can go. The problem with that-is that you forget what fucks you live with-and I am tried of living with fucks who only care about their selves and their caring for you is really only because they see something in you they want.
As more posters get done-I realize I am only doing this for me, no one else-so for now on-I will put the purpose I actually made those posters, to fund myself in making actual colored comic books that will actually bring light to the horrible state of youth in this country.
This is my life and its calling me. I will not be on the blog for a while-so this might be the last post.
Sick Phanthom


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