How to write a follow up comic story plot.

Again-Magnificent Things
same characters-
Analino- a very old male
Triban Young-male
Wilder Fame-male
Adam Hop-male
Sarila Yunera- female
The only difference here is that there is a different theme and the characters will act differently and you will develop some more.
1. Alex away from the Y-FHY group to find a way into the vector world to save Sarila is attacked by the remaining architect and building gangs.Right here, you might want to start a new idea or in this case show the after events of the event that ended the last story plot.
2. Analino and the Y-FHY gang help save Alex but discover the entire world has gone to chaos with so many angry super humans and find an inventor called Hector the Investor to use his technology to reach the Vector World. Here, a big change has begun- the previous enemies of the past storyline could be killed off or depleted-causing you to come up with more enemies and problems-like a superhuman outbreak.
3.Wilder and Triban lost in the Vector world encounter Vermont and Analino’s granddaughter,Harcelina who never actually died/explode and now together they must take on the Dark Troppers. Now-sometimes you want to connect with that first image you gave your audience-and elaborate on an event at the very start of the series.
4. When Analino is captured in the Vector world-Alex and an assassin called Marla must defeat the Dark Kings,ghosts of dead Wurges! Also another connection point to the previous storyline.
5. When Vermont is shot,she transports Wilder, Triban and Harcelina to where Sarila is trapped in crystal by her sibling Aui and the heroes go through Sarila’s and Aui’s early life together. Here, a character who probably hasn’t been elaborated on-is made the subject of one issue with another character that help develop them.
6. When Analino, Alex and Marla arrive to find Sarila fighting everyone else- Analino is soon forced to sacrifice himself so everyone won’t die.Here-the dynamics of the team changes when the mentor of the group is killed or unable to be with his team mates, people’s true characters become more apparent in certain situations.
7. Alex is not content when the Y-FHY group leaves Analino body behind and Auia uses his anger to control him to create mass terror and cause
super humans along with the Y-FHY group to gather to defeat him,only so she can take their abilities. Here, the new problem of a superhuman riot is solved temporaily and a little steam is taken away from your new problem.
8. After Auia is killed by Alex- the Y-FHY group heals in a hospital and Harcelina must stop assassins sent after them by the remaining architect firms. Here comes the start of the end-creativity and though becomes necessary.
9. The battle in the hospital leads the Y-FHY group to fall into a secret portal that leads to an invention that can merge worlds. Now a bigger problem arises at the conclusion.
10. Triban and Alex in the chaos that results from the Merger must battle the very invention itself in the form of its inventor- Analino! Here a shocker is used as the trapped mentor Analino becomes apart of the new big problem.
The suggestions in bold only actually describe the idea and  should only be taken as suggestions-there is no correct way to write a comic book story plot-these suggestions only help to make the story interesting.
From-Sick Phanthom 


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