Peaceful Housing
Don't you just hate when you have to pay a mortgage and worry about paying about it?
Are you a recently dispossessed child? Can't stand living with the nonsense people
that you live with,when you have the potential to do so much more things without them?
Peaceful Housing is yes, uninvented, but this lens will explain how corporations
interested in getting gifted individuals a good chance at life (who otherwise would be shunned
due to this present society) by providing housing and in turn improvement to their company.Yah.
Are you a recently dispossessed child? Can't stand living with the nonsense people
that you live with,when you have the potential to do so much more things without them?
Peaceful Housing is yes, uninvented, but this lens will explain how corporations
interested in getting gifted individuals a good chance at life (who otherwise would be shunned
due to this present society) by providing housing and in turn improvement to their company.Yah.
Peaceful Housing
for being different than them. Parents try to kill the
difference but it is the difference that makes them.
You see every human generation is different and
trying to make one like the rest is wrong and against the nature of the universe.
Only in a place where time does not exist do you not need
a cycle of life where the previous generation is different than the past generation.
But we do not need a bunch of people thinking they are better than what is the future population
to kill the potential of their young.
Everyone could be famous. It would just take some people more to become famous than others.
Everyone could be successful, it would just take more care for certain individuals to be successful.
The sad fact is there is a thing as an uneducated adult, and do you know what these people
do? They kill off the potential of their young, saying you can't do this-you can't do that because I have never done it or never done it that way.
Especially in America-which is supposed to be the land of the free.
The land of the free hardly offers freedom for young or ways for young to contribute to the world rather than be boxed up in schools or out on streets.
What I am saying is that people who see their selves with something to offer to society
should be able to be sponsored by companies-to live with others like them and collaborate with other potentials to make their selves better. Companies could also benefit by hiring these individuals and training them so that they could help out their company be better.
So no more intellectuals down the drain-adults aren't the only ones who should be free
and do what they want.
And if you're religious by the age of 13 in Judaism, you are technically an adult-which is why they have a celebration.
I believe in Peaceful Housing- Teenagers are so underdeveloped.
The place they go for 4-6 years doesn't help them find their purpose-their calling.
The main reason why I believe is because of the state of the world-
many adults come from kids who had a rough transition into the "real world"
and they mess things up for their kids by making them conform to idea-that in
order to do something in life-you must go to school-go to college.
Life is really not like that which is why many kids turn out into hopeless adults
who nag about ridiculous stuff and make small things large.
Life is what you make it. And if you make it a strict road you must follow-
you will fall off and become the negative version of yourself.
Life is a sea of rapid waters with many voices and many choices
and if you do not listen to the one thing that is true to you in this world-
your heart you will truly die.
The point is I have been changed from a individual who slacks off and does
nothing all day-going with this life people stuck me with to one who does what
he wants to accomplish and lives his own life.
The reason I am making graphic novels in the first place is for this cause-
to make teens-a group with a voice. I know anything is possible
and everything can happen-but you can only do so much by yourself.
Support a cause to improve humanity here-in America, give unwanted people
freedom and a chance at life and buy THIS SUMMER posters in August to support
my graphic novels and hence Peaceful Housing.
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