The Future Holds..
Good Evening- Lovely ladies and lying men,
The Future...
I was asked to use my half ass literature to convey my perception, predictions, and ideas on what all of our future's may bring or an effective route to make it positive. -- "Well.."<---. Truthfully- (Well..) that is my best answer.
Realistically, who knows? No excessive conglomeration collectively, nor does one person individually possesses the real answer, or golden ticket if you will.
The road to riches- In my opinion is completely contingent on a little luck a lot of hard work, being in the right place, at the right set time, looking the right way, with the right mindset. A personification with an admirable possession to implement/offer helps but doesn't promise anything.
"Nothing is promised EVER!"
I do however know for a fact It's a big, bad world. It's full of twists and turns, peeks and valleys. Most of us will blink and miss the moment. The moment that meant everything. The one that would come once in a mans lifetime and open that golden gate.
It has been said "Satisfaction is the eternal death of desire." Never settle for anything. Your future is what you make of it. "We all live in suspense, from day to day, from hour to hour; in other words, we are the hero of our own story. I guess the trick is, do you contain the essential elements mentally?"
You will lose your mind along the way, I promise. It's all an optical illusion catalyzed by the political figures of the nation or nations. It may make you delusional but stay fit physically but more importantly mentally and you just might make it.
Otherwise, to quote R.E.M. "It's the End of the World As We Know It. I feel fine. Do YOU?"
Just remember "When life knocks you down. Get up, smile, and politely say- You hit like a little bitch."
By: Austin B. Moore
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