Consideration- Listen to Me!
Self-definition is defining yourself for you. It’s good that
you define yourself for it helps accomplish goals you want to accomplish but to
get what you want and not be killed off by others who hate you-You need
Though you have defined yourself, do not expect others to
define their selves just as you have done.
Wanting to control everyone and everything they do is evil
and abnormal.
You should respect everyone for their differences otherwise
they have no reason to like you.
Everyone is made different for a reason-
Many souls have different varying dreams and goals together
can create a better product than one soul with one thought process alone-this right
here, I’ve just told can better the world.
People are different to accomplish different things whether
they are good or bad in the eyes of other humans. They are different in order
to accomplish things no one else in existence can.
Not liking people is not going to change them but being accept-ant of how they are while staying true to you is the best way to get
along with other people for they will accept you and not think less than you.
In empathy thinking-
You hold your thought process center and then go
on to discover if they are higher in thinking than you or lower in thinking
than you.
While exploring other thought processes you just
accept it as a fact that they act like that or think like that and do not
accept their ways as their ways.
In order to explore other thought process it is
good to get a grip what they constantly do and say and then find out what their
intentions are along with their dreams. You find a lot about the person this
Only if a thought processes is proven to be
better than yours-do not change at all, knowledge will find its way to you-do not adopt their
practices because what works for them will not always work for you.
If you think about what you have done and how to
improve yourself the answer will come.
In excess, do not accept person’s thoughts or excuses
to not do something tell need to do.
Open-Minded Thinking-
Open minded is different from empathy thinking because it
involves no one but yourself- it is all you.
You can expand your thinking by clearing away cultural and
social and racial baggage.
Do not think “there is a certain way to act like a race”
Think,” There is no way to act a race”
This way you do not limit yourself to what people associate for
people in that race for acting or thinking
Because there are all sorts of actions, beliefs, ways of
thought, and language and culture and music that doesn’t belong to one race or
various races but to all humanity and if you act like these factors belong to
different races each with their own actions, beliefs, ways of thought, and
language and culture you are only being racist toward yourself and helping
dividing humanity.
Let’s just face it, the future we are heading to-is not one
where people of all colors-all humans live in peace but one where they live
divided. And in this divide-this race of wars-I mean this war of races- there
can only be one victor, eventually. We don’t need a month for a race or a week
or even a day-unless they are less than human.
So just stop, please just stop-there is no way to act a race
and no one is out to get you for your color but yourself-do not listen-oh
well-you will confine yourself to a box where everyone is against you and it’s all
about you. And those you call your enemies are your masters.
With this said, freed of your racial boundaries as you can
call them-you can think a lot of thoughts and these new thoughts can help you
in whatever you want to accomplish whenever you want to accomplish them. And
find inspiration from different sources.
So just think things through and act for yourself with
consideration and you will do good.
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