* Truth
* No Deception
- No self deception
*Open minded thinking
* Empathy Thinking- see how others think
* Self Definition
* No Fear
* Look towards the Future
* Always keep the fight
* Be Calm- your body is not made for stress
You know I live with twisted people, these people in fact are my parents who have been corrupted by
fear and self delusion.
They talk about fitting norms of society when they don't realize two things, norms sounds nasty and limits and rules(their norms) are constantly changing because of constant growing human population with each generation bringing their own ideas. They believe a certain group has to be way better than any other in existence when if you are a christian the great God will take of that. Because all people are at the same status
because they have to die. Only a person who didn't have to die would be higher than anyone else.
If these so called"norms" of society weren't to change their really wouldn't be a point to life. The point to life
is to advance the world. Regardless what anybody tells you, why do you think that it is that there is such a thing as evolution, or why children disagree with their parents. All this is because the nature of the world is to better itself and anything that doesn't want to get changed ore refuses change, gets changed anyway and this is called death.
I'm pretty sure everyone has an idea of what death is, some even have met death. Death is an important part of the human experience because it is the end of this journey into a place we have to discover and can only wonder where we can from. We came here for a purpose and that's to build an even better world than the world than was currently there. But we have the power to change it and even a homeless person changes the world just by being there. People just don't understand that things all around them where made by people from different time periods and these items where not easily created because of old outdated thoughts.The older generation may believe that the younger generation needs to get more information than them to even be successful but that is not the case. Since the nature of the world is to change, each new set of souls is born different than the previous with different ideas and notions.
Many people believe difference is a bad thing when in reality it really is not. Imagine how boring it would be if everyone was the same, communication would be just a thought and each body a part of a greater being with one mind, one set purpose and one set goal. Difference helps to create new ideas to build up the world.
Anyone who opposes difference and tries to stop the younger generation's ideas are fools and shall be torn down by the process called death. For anyone who dares try to stop change, faces death.
Now this older generation these days are so caught up in their selves and aren't opened minded, do not know how to stay calm in dire situations or just normal life. Therefore they cause conflict with the younger generation because they would like the world to stay put in their own perceived world, that is outdated and no more.Anyone who thinks this will run into conflict with others and most importantly the world's nature of advancement.
People who confine their selves to their physical features, places or things are fools. You can easily get caught up in these things and they will make you stupid because you will not be open minded and not open to new ideas or go around different people. What you should confine yourself to is an endless set of possibilities and futures and ideas and dreams. If anyone tells you your dream is impossible, they are fools because they their selves could be somebody's dream and never even know it! And even worse they are stuck in a false reality of things that don't even matter and probably see their selves lower than others.
Working together with other people is very important because the way you get new ideas to create new things to improve the world is through difference and a open mind. If you have either of the two you create sufficient ideas at all. Just what works today will not work tomorrow for the word is constantly changing.
So if anyone believe that one particular set of thinking will forever work they are fools. Though things that are an integral part of communication with other humans and changing the world to make it a better place are necessary as long as there is a thing such as a soul.
Consideration is important in working with others, for its best to get along with people that to be against them. Working together with other souls/ other human beings is about the only way to create change in the world because they have influence all by their selves. When being considerate you take in account others differences and their similarities towards you and how they may feel about your thoughts and actions towards them and others/the world. You respect them for their differences because they are here also to change the world and make the world a better place. And by respecting their differences they will feel accepted and will accept you, no matter how long it takes them to accept you. You can further this by seeing how others think and therefore you will have many mindsets of thinking but hold your thinking superior but with different adjustments to it. With this you can better get along with people and handle people you don't like.
Now on this planet, this world there are two sets of beings. It is not the good and bad because believe you me, the bad have souls-just demented ones! There are the things and the soul. Whatever you believe everything that lives has a soul. The body is formed by the soul and is just a way for a soul to change the world. Now things on the other hand do not have souls! No matter how human kind tries they can never create a soul which is the essence of life. No robot, no shell they can create will be the same as them.
For souls have to die while things are just destroyed.
Many people fear things, everyone fears something but you should not let that fear control your destiny.
You can easily be stupefied by fear and turned into a trembling form that can only feed of of fear from others and you will do so unknowingly because you will be taken over secretly by the demon that can only be fear and fear itself. So if you can't keep calm, you make fuss over silly things and escalate small things into big things and can't see others way of thinking and are hard minded, you have been lost to the demon that is fear.
So do not fear anything, not even death even though that may be the end of things for you, it simply is not-it is just your soul getting free because the purpose, the change you were meant to make is done and you serve a better purpose somewhere else. What people do not realize in their perverted view of the world, to be alive is good, you have free will, the chance to do anything even if its not good for you. So regardless of what people say do not fear the world, the world is changing and it'll change in your favor if reach for what you want and let no push aside. Even those who have been alive are the same thing as you, the same status that is for every being. May it be human, animal, plant- these groups are all the same in the fact that they have souls and must die not be destroyed.
What you should get out of this is that everyone is different, no one will ever be the same and consideration is important to getting along with others in order to build a better world for everyone, not just one group, person or being. You should fear anything with an open mind and readiness to understand others to get what you want in order to change the world but following the previous principles. You should define yourself not by your physical outlooks but what you feel and what you feel will become an infinite field of ideas because each feeling brings ahead a set of ideas. Never be afraid, keep the fight ans you will ascend into light of your dreams and a better future reality!
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