HAPPY 12/12/2012 DAY!

It is the last time the month,the day and year will be the same in our lifetime.
I just had to write this post today because they'll never be another date like this for a 100 years.
I will also use this post to say what I have learned this year.
1. People can be friendly and smart depending where you live and people can be damn stupid and evil depending which hell hole you innocently land in.
2.Love requires commit.
3.I am more than what I thought I was.
4.Some people aren't just mature yet and you shouldn't put up with them. Let children be children.
5. It is best to tell the truth always so you don't have something clawing away at your soul.
6. In risk of starting friendships and be friendly and upright you face rejection by people who don't have it all together.
7. Don't let people tell you what you know.
8. Parents who only care to make their children successful just so they can get them out of the house faster are bad parents especially when they cannot cause success in their children and only hamper the child's plans that would be successful.
9.In order for a day to be special you must make it special, it just doesn't become special all by itself, example: birthdays.
10. 2012 is the start of the end of being stuck at a bad place.
11. How much people care for another varies from place to place, the place where I live many people do not have consideration for others.
12. It isn't worth it to let your anger get the best of you.


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