HUMBLE is bad.
Enough said because chivalry is dead!
How come an ugly guy with an awful head
gets all the girls and gets to be a hero in their sights?
Well they don't stay long with worms like him but they treat him like some fucking hero!
How come I tried a million times( and my perception is not warped )
To get what a true Hero deserves?
I stood and saw wrong and attacked it!
 I AM THE HERO! The real HERO!
I lost so many battles in this demon cave and another becomes another crime against me and my humanity!
But there is this a fighting chance to find and slay these people who killed my chance at ROMANCE!
I will avenge lost time and every heartfelt memory I missed out on cause they stole them from me along  with my sanity! I will avenge those memories by taking the memories my enemies will later live for! I will make them pay to the point that at every sunrise to day they will all tremble in fear and wish for better days where they didn't tremble and shake at their horrible memories! Chivalry isn't dead, not to me and they shall see imaginary body on their own bodies and therefore will know they have lost their sanity!
Imaginary Blood will cover them from head to toe, it will be on them from every eyelid to every nostril hair(they can see and not see) to every eye to every stupid ear they cannot hear my voice out of. Can you FUCKERS hear me NOW!
They will marvel at their selves in the mirror and won't like what they see! Cause there, there will be the bloody remains of a person they used to know! Covered in imaginary blood! Then when they know the whole horror of what has befallen them will they ask their selves, Could this have been prevented? Should we have been good and loved him at last and relented our evil acts!? Should we have!?
NOOO!We FUCKED with the wrong person! And now have no sanity!
Oh they'll have horrible fun thinking over the things they have done and know good has won!
Oh they'll have fun in their miser and hate with their should nots and would nots- hate upon hate coupled with more bloody hate won't be enough to save them!
But fear, fear that conquers their pity long lasting hate and all fear will shut them up finally- And it will be same FUCKING WRENCHING FEAR OF SICK PHANTHOM  for they have taken his love at long last and drained his HUMANITY!
OHH!- I AM THE REAL HERO and don't you think for a fucking damned second that I'm not! THIS is the Hero's statement AND I AM OUT!


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