A chat with other writers.
Welcome! You have entered [The Lounge] at 1:53 am
[Durriedog] 1:53 am: Hey Card!
[Durriedog] 1:53 am: Nice to meet you!
[CardDragon] 1:53 am: card?me?
[forsakinshadow] 1:54 am: hey Card
[Durriedog] 1:54 am: Yeah
[jasminebells] 1:54 am: Hey card
[forsakinshadow] 1:55 am: I are DINO NINJA
[jasminebells] 1:55 am: No, no, no
[Durriedog] 1:55 am: Are you new?
[jasminebells] 1:55 am: Me are DINO NINJA
[forsakinshadow] 1:55 am: no...I ARE DINO NINJA!
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:55 am: I ARE RAPTOR NINJA! (dang it, Shadm stop summoning the raptor!)
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:55 am: *,
[jasminebells] 1:55 am: lol
Durriedog sighs
[forsakinshadow] 1:56 am: and this is!....*your turn ninja
jasminebells huggles her twin
[forsakinshadow] 1:56 am: lol
[CardDragon] 1:56 am: I am a new member
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:56 am: RAPTOR NINJA!!!!! *raptor noises and motions*
[forsakinshadow] 1:56 am: me uggles my ninja sister
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:56 am: Well, then, hello there, new member Card!
[Durriedog] 1:56 am: Welcome to YWS!
ninjacookiemonster bows with much grandeur. "Feel free to ask us anything!"
jasminebells huggles Card
[jasminebells] 1:57 am: Welcome!
[CardDragon] 1:57 am: yeah..
forsakinshadow uggles Card
[forsakinshadow] 1:57 am: uggles are better than huggles
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:57 am: Waaay better.
jasminebells is sensing Card is becoming frightened or freaked out
[CardDragon] 1:57 am: what is an uggle
[Durriedog] 1:57 am: Huggle
[Durriedog] 1:57 am: just typo-version
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: lol my typo version
[Durriedog] 1:58 am: YWS chat can be a little overwhelming at first, lol
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: lol
[jasminebells] 1:58 am: xD
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:58 am: Correction: OUR typo version.
[jasminebells] 1:58 am: I remember my first time in YWS chat
[Durriedog] 1:58 am: Whatever
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: when I first got here, Silented was the only one on here
[Durriedog] 1:58 am: Same, Forsakin!
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:58 am: But used to get to the craziness pretty easily.
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: lol yea ninja...
[CardDragon] 1:58 am: so do yall all write alot
[jasminebells] 1:58 am: I got kicked out for putting the star sangled banner in all caps over and over
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: nah, we just like to chat
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: lol...I do
[jasminebells] 1:59 am: spangled*
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: but I write too
[Prism180] 1:59 am: Mhm
[CardDragon] 1:59 am: oh..
[jasminebells] 1:59 am: I write
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:59 am: Psh, heck yeah, we do, Card! (Don't listen to Shad, she's craaaazaay)
[Durriedog] 1:59 am: I write Fantasy Fiction
[CardDragon] 1:59 am: well its better than migoland
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: lol
[Durriedog] 1:59 am: Don't listen to them, they write
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: I am
[Durriedog] 1:59 am: What's Migoland?
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:59 am: Durrie>> lol
[jasminebells] 1:59 am: Migoland?
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: ??
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:00 am: Migoland?
[CardDragon] 2:00 am: its a website
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:00 am: >.o
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: Lol, we're all like what
[CardDragon] 2:00 am: were you can talk to other children
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:00 am: *sighs* I have to go, guys.
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: Card, are you a girl or guy?
[CardDragon] 2:00 am: a guy
jasminebells clamps onto Ninja
forsakinshadow wishes chup would post on Redemption already
[Durriedog] 2:00 am: Oh
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: You xan't leave
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: can't
ninjacookiemonster pats Jas's head. "Sorry, sweet pea, but I have to,"
[jasminebells] 2:01 am: Cool, card
[forsakinshadow] 2:01 am: no!
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: What do you write, Card?
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: Like, what genre?
[CardDragon] 2:01 am: poems
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:01 am: I might come back, at least tomorrow.
jasminebells has enormous sad pupy eyes
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: Nice!
jasminebells barks happily
ninjacookiemonster rolls her eyes. "Get over me, sweet pea."
[CardDragon] 2:01 am: and some stories
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: you'll fit right in then. Loooooots of poem writers
[jasminebells] 2:01 am: lol
[The Lounge]: Vasticity has entered at 2:02 am
[Durriedog] 2:02 am: Vast!
[jasminebells] 2:02 am: VAST!
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:02 am: VAST!
[Vasticity] 2:02 am: 'The best things in life are free. But you can give them to the birds and bees, I want the MONEY.'
[forsakinshadow] 2:02 am: VAST!
[CardDragon] 2:02 am: i've also written four books
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:02 am: Still have to go.
ninjacookiemonster waves
[forsakinshadow] 2:02 am: NOOOO!!!
[jasminebells] 2:02 am: Omagawd
forsakinshadow uggles
[jasminebells] 2:02 am: Are they all published?
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: no
[Durriedog] 2:03 am: Nice, what genre?
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: i have yet to type them
[Vasticity] 2:03 am: DurrieDoodleDingDong! Dj Jasmine Jeff! Ninja! Forsaking!
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: action
[Durriedog] 2:03 am: Whoa
ninjacookiemonster bites her lip. "I love you guys, really, I do, but I have to go! I will be back tomorrow!"
[Vasticity] 2:03 am: bye
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: It is called The Slayers of Wolve.
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: bye
[forsakinshadow] 2:03 am: fine
forsakinshadow pouts
[jasminebells] 2:04 am: The longest thing I've ever written was a 20 page essay to my principal about why I started that food fight
[Durriedog] 2:04 am: Bye!
ninjacookiemonster uggles Shadow.
[jasminebells] 2:04 am: bye!
[forsakinshadow] 2:04 am: byee
forsakinshadow uggles
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:04 am: Bye all, love you!
[Chupatoasta] 2:04 am: bye ninja!
[forsakinshadow] 2:04 am: LUFF YEW TOO
[Durriedog] 2:04 am: The Slayers of Wolve - I'd pick up a book called that
[Chupatoasta] 2:04 am: i luff you!!!
[CardDragon] 2:04 am: Hey maybe i can send you all a copy
Chupatoasta huggles
[jasminebells] 2:04 am: That'd be cool
[CardDragon] 2:05 am: when i finish the 1st book
[Vasticity] 2:05 am: the longest thing I ever wrote was a 100 page script
[forsakinshadow] 2:05 am: too...many...licky...smilies...
[Vasticity] 2:05 am: then I deleted it
[CardDragon] 2:05 am: typing it
[jasminebells] 2:05 am: why did you delete it?
[Vasticity] 2:05 am: cause
[jasminebells] 2:05 am: cause what
jasminebells plays dumb
[Durriedog] 2:05 am: You shouldn't send it, publish it!
jasminebells is dumb
[Durriedog] 2:05 am: And let me know so I can buy it
[CardDragon] 2:06 am: hey I also have a blog at http://kromnetwork.blogspot.com/
forsakinshadow is dumb too
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: I can't see the blog, Card
[CardDragon] 2:07 am: but its protected..
[forsakinshadow] 2:07 am: same
[jasminebells] 2:07 am: lol
[The Lounge]: Nate has entered at 2:07 am
[CardDragon] 2:07 am: hey okay
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: Nate!
[CardDragon] 2:07 am: i have nother at
[Nate] 2:07 am: Hey guys, the chat is going to go offline for about ten minutes pretty soon
[Nate] 2:07 am: Upgrading
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: ah
[Vasticity] 2:07 am: nooo
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: Nice!
[Nate] 2:08 am: Hopefully no more glitches
[jasminebells] 2:08 am: Hey Nate
[CardDragon] 2:08 am: another at http://stalkerhub.blogspot.com/
[Vasticity] 2:08 am: http://fourforfrance.blogspot.com/ my friend's epic story
forsakinshadow lurks in th SB forum
[Durriedog] 1:53 am: Hey Card!
[Durriedog] 1:53 am: Nice to meet you!
[CardDragon] 1:53 am: card?me?
[forsakinshadow] 1:54 am: hey Card
[Durriedog] 1:54 am: Yeah
[jasminebells] 1:54 am: Hey card
[forsakinshadow] 1:55 am: I are DINO NINJA
[jasminebells] 1:55 am: No, no, no
[Durriedog] 1:55 am: Are you new?
[jasminebells] 1:55 am: Me are DINO NINJA
[forsakinshadow] 1:55 am: no...I ARE DINO NINJA!
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:55 am: I ARE RAPTOR NINJA! (dang it, Shadm stop summoning the raptor!)
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:55 am: *,
[jasminebells] 1:55 am: lol
Durriedog sighs
[forsakinshadow] 1:56 am: and this is!....*your turn ninja
jasminebells huggles her twin
[forsakinshadow] 1:56 am: lol
[CardDragon] 1:56 am: I am a new member
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:56 am: RAPTOR NINJA!!!!! *raptor noises and motions*
[forsakinshadow] 1:56 am: me uggles my ninja sister
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:56 am: Well, then, hello there, new member Card!
[Durriedog] 1:56 am: Welcome to YWS!
ninjacookiemonster bows with much grandeur. "Feel free to ask us anything!"
jasminebells huggles Card
[jasminebells] 1:57 am: Welcome!
[CardDragon] 1:57 am: yeah..
forsakinshadow uggles Card
[forsakinshadow] 1:57 am: uggles are better than huggles
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:57 am: Waaay better.
jasminebells is sensing Card is becoming frightened or freaked out
[CardDragon] 1:57 am: what is an uggle
[Durriedog] 1:57 am: Huggle
[Durriedog] 1:57 am: just typo-version
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: lol my typo version
[Durriedog] 1:58 am: YWS chat can be a little overwhelming at first, lol
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: lol
[jasminebells] 1:58 am: xD
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:58 am: Correction: OUR typo version.
[jasminebells] 1:58 am: I remember my first time in YWS chat
[Durriedog] 1:58 am: Whatever
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: when I first got here, Silented was the only one on here
[Durriedog] 1:58 am: Same, Forsakin!
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:58 am: But used to get to the craziness pretty easily.
[forsakinshadow] 1:58 am: lol yea ninja...
[CardDragon] 1:58 am: so do yall all write alot
[jasminebells] 1:58 am: I got kicked out for putting the star sangled banner in all caps over and over
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: nah, we just like to chat
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: lol...I do
[jasminebells] 1:59 am: spangled*
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: but I write too
[Prism180] 1:59 am: Mhm
[CardDragon] 1:59 am: oh..
[jasminebells] 1:59 am: I write
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:59 am: Psh, heck yeah, we do, Card! (Don't listen to Shad, she's craaaazaay)
[Durriedog] 1:59 am: I write Fantasy Fiction
[CardDragon] 1:59 am: well its better than migoland
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: lol
[Durriedog] 1:59 am: Don't listen to them, they write
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: I am
[Durriedog] 1:59 am: What's Migoland?
[ninjacookiemonster] 1:59 am: Durrie>> lol
[jasminebells] 1:59 am: Migoland?
[forsakinshadow] 1:59 am: ??
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:00 am: Migoland?
[CardDragon] 2:00 am: its a website
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:00 am: >.o
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: Lol, we're all like what
[CardDragon] 2:00 am: were you can talk to other children
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:00 am: *sighs* I have to go, guys.
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: Card, are you a girl or guy?
[CardDragon] 2:00 am: a guy
jasminebells clamps onto Ninja
forsakinshadow wishes chup would post on Redemption already
[Durriedog] 2:00 am: Oh
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: You xan't leave
[jasminebells] 2:00 am: can't
ninjacookiemonster pats Jas's head. "Sorry, sweet pea, but I have to,"
[jasminebells] 2:01 am: Cool, card
[forsakinshadow] 2:01 am: no!
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: What do you write, Card?
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: Like, what genre?
[CardDragon] 2:01 am: poems
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:01 am: I might come back, at least tomorrow.
jasminebells has enormous sad pupy eyes
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: Nice!
jasminebells barks happily
ninjacookiemonster rolls her eyes. "Get over me, sweet pea."
[CardDragon] 2:01 am: and some stories
[Durriedog] 2:01 am: you'll fit right in then. Loooooots of poem writers
[jasminebells] 2:01 am: lol
[The Lounge]: Vasticity has entered at 2:02 am
[Durriedog] 2:02 am: Vast!
[jasminebells] 2:02 am: VAST!
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:02 am: VAST!
[Vasticity] 2:02 am: 'The best things in life are free. But you can give them to the birds and bees, I want the MONEY.'
[forsakinshadow] 2:02 am: VAST!
[CardDragon] 2:02 am: i've also written four books
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:02 am: Still have to go.
ninjacookiemonster waves
[forsakinshadow] 2:02 am: NOOOO!!!
[jasminebells] 2:02 am: Omagawd
forsakinshadow uggles
[jasminebells] 2:02 am: Are they all published?
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: no
[Durriedog] 2:03 am: Nice, what genre?
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: i have yet to type them
[Vasticity] 2:03 am: DurrieDoodleDingDong! Dj Jasmine Jeff! Ninja! Forsaking!
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: action
[Durriedog] 2:03 am: Whoa
ninjacookiemonster bites her lip. "I love you guys, really, I do, but I have to go! I will be back tomorrow!"
[Vasticity] 2:03 am: bye
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: It is called The Slayers of Wolve.
[CardDragon] 2:03 am: bye
[forsakinshadow] 2:03 am: fine
forsakinshadow pouts
[jasminebells] 2:04 am: The longest thing I've ever written was a 20 page essay to my principal about why I started that food fight
[Durriedog] 2:04 am: Bye!
ninjacookiemonster uggles Shadow.
[jasminebells] 2:04 am: bye!
[forsakinshadow] 2:04 am: byee
forsakinshadow uggles
[ninjacookiemonster] 2:04 am: Bye all, love you!
[Chupatoasta] 2:04 am: bye ninja!
[forsakinshadow] 2:04 am: LUFF YEW TOO
[Durriedog] 2:04 am: The Slayers of Wolve - I'd pick up a book called that
[Chupatoasta] 2:04 am: i luff you!!!
[CardDragon] 2:04 am: Hey maybe i can send you all a copy
Chupatoasta huggles
[jasminebells] 2:04 am: That'd be cool
[CardDragon] 2:05 am: when i finish the 1st book
[Vasticity] 2:05 am: the longest thing I ever wrote was a 100 page script
[forsakinshadow] 2:05 am: too...many...licky...smilies...
[Vasticity] 2:05 am: then I deleted it
[CardDragon] 2:05 am: typing it
[jasminebells] 2:05 am: why did you delete it?
[Vasticity] 2:05 am: cause
[jasminebells] 2:05 am: cause what
jasminebells plays dumb
[Durriedog] 2:05 am: You shouldn't send it, publish it!
jasminebells is dumb
[Durriedog] 2:05 am: And let me know so I can buy it
[CardDragon] 2:06 am: hey I also have a blog at http://kromnetwork.blogspot.com/
forsakinshadow is dumb too
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: I can't see the blog, Card
[CardDragon] 2:07 am: but its protected..
[forsakinshadow] 2:07 am: same
[jasminebells] 2:07 am: lol
[The Lounge]: Nate has entered at 2:07 am
[CardDragon] 2:07 am: hey okay
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: Nate!
[CardDragon] 2:07 am: i have nother at
[Nate] 2:07 am: Hey guys, the chat is going to go offline for about ten minutes pretty soon
[Nate] 2:07 am: Upgrading
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: ah
[Vasticity] 2:07 am: nooo
[Durriedog] 2:07 am: Nice!
[Nate] 2:08 am: Hopefully no more glitches
[jasminebells] 2:08 am: Hey Nate
[CardDragon] 2:08 am: another at http://stalkerhub.blogspot.com/
[Vasticity] 2:08 am: http://fourforfrance.blogspot.com/ my friend's epic story
forsakinshadow lurks in th SB forum
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