Alive and Dead.

Let the bleeding stop, your time on earth is not done.
let the bleeding stop, your time on earth is done.

You wish you could live longer(and she wished you would).
you wish you could walk again(and she wished you would).

Tell me the story of how your legs once stood.
In the otherwise dimension you cannot mention,and there is no suspension
 You and her where kissing in the dark. Late night in the park.
When a man with a gun,who would later run demanded your day's pay.

But you and her said no way. And in an instant, your fear was no assistant.
And  your body to tumble to the door and in the other dimension you hardly
made the hospital floor.
The  hospital floor. The hospital floor. The hospital floor.
Alive and dead.
Both with red.
Alive and dead.
Both with red.

Let the bleeding stop, your time on earth is not done.
let the bleeding stop, your time on earth is done.

You wish you could live longer(and she wished you would).
you wish you could walk again(and she wished you would).

Tell me the story of how your legs once stood.
In the otherwise dimension you cannot mention,and there is no suspension
 You and her where kissing in the dark. Late night in the park.
When a man with a gun,who would later run demanded your day's pay.

But you and her said no way. And in an instant, your fear was no assistant.
And  your body to tumble to the door and in the other dimension you hardly

made the hospital floor.
The  hospital floor. The hospital floor. The hospital floor.

Alive and dead.
Both with red.
Alive and dead.
Both with red.


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