
Showing posts from June, 2014


Coming down the stair case Penelope has risen me from the dead. I was dead and now I am lost in her fantasy! There is one thing I love about a homecoming and that is Penelope. I was dead, dead, dead! And now, I'm lost, lost, lost! In her fantasy! yeah! yeah! Penelope! Penelope... alright... I am lost. In a dungeon see! I am stuck in a dungeon you should see, Penelope of all your fantasies and mysteries. She was coming down the stair case for the second time, it was too much for me to bare. I ran out and left her there. To willow in her fantasies.


Climbing through a war like a thermostat getting hotter only to cool it down lower by taking out important figures to this war. Thermoplyae. Sweet, Thermoplyae. It was the war I lost my mine. It was the war,  I've lost my mind! Its happening all the time. Friends dying right here, right now and now I am screaming now, now! Thermoplyae. Sweet, Thermoplyae. It was the war I lost my mine. It was the war,  I've lost my mind! I've lost! I've lost! My mind!

The Third Constant Thermoplyae

Starting soon. The complete full on, updated version.

Offical Assignment Announcement.

What People Would Be Like If THEY WERE WRITERS.- XCX State of Being on Earth.  TYOROH. Nobody notices anything is wrong till Disaster strikes. POMPEII,GREECE,ROME, ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS. Articles , poems and songs inspired by media. first one:

what would people be like if they were actually writers.

Scientists always imagine a world of scientists. Singers always imagine a world of singers. English teachers always imagine everyone in some demeaning manner. Nobody much seems to respect people as they are but writers and artists, they respect people as they are. They depict everybody in their work.  They make the great representation of images you cannot see elsewhere in reality, they connect us to other images beyond our reality and make us more sophisticated. I have decided enough bullshit, these people, scientists, politicians and doctors so full of crap, it is not funny. They do not understand the underlying emotion that drives an art, everything can not be proven. Somethings are there to test if you are smart enough to believe or stupid enough to try and prove something that cannot proved from where you stand. And doing this, trying to prove something that cannot be proved will lead you to death or disaster. Trying to discover what happens after you die by trying to kill ...

ways to make it currently

If you are like anyone in this country. You need to work in some fashion to make a living and care for yourself, else you will be forced to live your life on the streets. The most convenient way for you to catapult yourself is to get two jobs in part time. The best thing is to have these jobs the closest to each other or in a close distance to where you live. If you can walk there and forth to your other job and your home that would be good, it would cut out the expense. A car would in fact just slow you down, because you would always have to pay for gas. But if the distance is to far to walk and you are really bad in making it early to places, you should use a car. The trick is to use a food source that consists of cheap items but yet still something you can eat for a long time till you reach the next stage of sustainability and can abandon this system. To reach the next level you might want to consider using the internet. Though that will take a lot of effort, but if you just...

Black Eyed Peas

black eyed peas official site the black eyed peas wikipedia page youtube

Lost as done by Passion Claim.

Vol.1 1. Jack and Kimberly crash on a island in their private yellow plane, they meet other people of their group that have also crashed here. They all try to reason if they are dead or alive. 2.Chaino the hog smoker ( with red curly hair and overweight) conceives the notion that he should go off on his own and finds a boat off the side of the island to find more abandoned people there who probably should not come to shore. 3. Faced with the cannibals, or rather murderers, Jack and Hank( with black and blue hair close shaven and furious black eyes) must lead the others to safety but end up in the town of those who stranded them all in the first place to continue their society. 4. In order to survive and save Jack in critical condition, Hank and Kimberly must work together to stop the Beyemi, the killers from getting loose onto the island, with help from those of the town. 5. Jack's life is saved but there is a new threat the captured Beyemi leader warns about, that the Hotaoi...


I made this promise or mention on another site but I will continue it here, I have been watching alot of anime as if to become acquainted with it, to know it. Basically I am just going to write down whatever anime show I watch when I watch it and my notes and thoughts on it and feelings on it as well. I will always keep a promise that can be kept. As the old saying goes. -passion claim.

Channel creative energy

Also, on VENT! I will write ideas of shows as if I where to create them myself, but this time, different from the last time I attempted this. I will not look at any of the characters or story plot already created, I will do it the proper and right way. Only imagine the base reality and stemming ideas and characters and if you have seen the ideas on the other sites in the past, this is just like this but to a massive scale. I do not know which series I am going to do as of yet at all. Because this is not one of the things you can just plan, it is one of those things you do. Purely unpredictable, to write a list or plan other than a generalization would not be helpful at all better rather harmful. Thank You for your time, good day.