In the land of Limits there was hardly a law. Tyrants ruled and many natives were forced from their igloos. This is not a story of the brave and the bold; it is the story of a princess and her greed and gold. Here lived a vile untruthful princess whose empire reached all over the people of Scoff, Levandire, Penahl, and Chircequel. All that land was stained in lies and injustices. Everyone was content, being blinded from the Princess’ true nature. They could not see the dark and red evil living in her very veins. Anything she asked for, she got it. Anyone who objected was sentenced to jail. When she called for her slaves for approval, she got approval. When she was in need for money, she got abundant amounts of it. When she was always late to a meeting everyone else had to wait hours upon hours, and when she arrived, act like she was early. When she had to take a *status test, she always cheated one way or another.* In the land of Limits, every year, beings powerful than...