Showing posts from October, 2012
BESEBO's Update
Jelani Callender
Alright people, the Kiss campaign is about to end and The Sea Journeyer campaign is about to begin but first two last Kiss products, the graphic and the song and they will be posted whenever I complete them. After the Sea Journeyer or before it I will release a bunch of song lyrics titled, " Talen Han vs. Sick Phanthom "cause you know Talen han was my previous pen name before I decided I'm too old to be called the Talented Hand and my style of writing changed, so I hope you enjoy.
The Royal and The Truthful!
Jelani Callender
In the land of Limits there was hardly a law. Tyrants ruled and many natives were forced from their igloos. This is not a story of the brave and the bold; it is the story of a princess and her greed and gold. Here lived a vile untruthful princess whose empire reached all over the people of Scoff, Levandire, Penahl, and Chircequel. All that land was stained in lies and injustices. Everyone was content, being blinded from the Princess’ true nature. They could not see the dark and red evil living in her very veins. Anything she asked for, she got it. Anyone who objected was sentenced to jail. When she called for her slaves for approval, she got approval. When she was in need for money, she got abundant amounts of it. When she was always late to a meeting everyone else had to wait hours upon hours, and when she arrived, act like she was early. When she had to take a *status test, she always cheated one way or another.* In the land of Limits, every year, beings powerful than...
BESEBO's How socially stupid people are at Nimitz
Jelani Callender
1. Friendly A- How's it going? (walking over to supposed friend on floor) B- Awkward...( first asks again what Friendly A says looking bothered and angry) Friendly A-.....(sits, is pissed off and walks off before they do something they regret) 2. Stuck up Mother F***er C- I'm so damn pretty,sexy divine,just sexy and I'll tell a dude too.. Friendly A- YOU ARE F***in ugly Normal people- He's gay! Stuck up Mother F***er C- I'm pretty, sexy and I raped had sex with girls too. Normal people- He's gay! Friendly A- YOU ARE F***in ugly 3. Friendly A- Meow!( says to just play around with Cute S) Cute S- STOP THAT! I LOVE CATS! STOP..STOP..STOP!( gets real angry) Friendly A- Meow!( says to just play around with Cute S) Gay Bitch- Friendly A, you are a bitch and I don't like you cause you are straight... Cute S- I am your bitch, Gay Bitch, and I like you even though your gay... Friendly A- Why the betrayal, I was just playing?! You kids are F**...
THE KISS FINAL with song parts highlighted
Jelani Callender
It was sure winter like outside, so the boy walked inside a pub. Inside were tables full of people eating chocolate raspberry truffle cakes, so the boy sat down and challenged a pair of monster looking dudes to a contest. When the boy and the monsters reached a stalemate, they got tried of eating and gave up on winning. The boy then noticed there were other aspects of the pub, there were neon lanterns and cloth hanging from the redwood ledges in the ceiling, people were dancing,moving and ordering food and drinks and some were even making out at the bar. There was baby DJ playing various cheery tracks that boys in owl suits were prancing around in a large circle around the DJ and hooting. And that's when he saw her, standing alone was a girl dressed in a red sweater over her pink dress, she was smiling at everyone and at everything and she saw him. Then the moment was theirs, they stared at each other in utter shock of each others existence . The boy sensed a bit of rage...
Jelani Callender
JUNE 30, 2011 OFFICIAL RANT! I am tried of these black girls asking and sometimes demanding I draw black people, when I don’t give a $%#@ about human race. It pisses me off people THINK they have a say in what I draw, when they don’t have the necessary brain function or talent to even draw at all. They are sadly mistaken cause they have thought wrong, humans are too UN-accepting of each other that one day it will lead to their destruction. I make fun this by drawing what every I want and who ever I want. Well, this has been an OFFICIAL RANT! - Talen Han,fired up. NOTE TO READER: Back then I called myself Talen Han and then includes 2007-2011.
BESEBO's Bad WAYS to STOP arguments!
Jelani Callender
Can’t we all be filled jelly donuts you guys cause I’m tried of arguing. Response :Conflicter- While don’t you eat some donuts then. Defender- Stay out of this! Hey mate this my party and if you do not want to ruin it go read a book. Response : Conflicter- WELL this party is lame, making you lame to. Defender- Stay out of this and Conflicter go read a book. Sing a really bad song. Response : Conflicter-THIS IS MADDNESS. Defender-That’s what she said.
Jelani Callender
The Kiss The Kiss It was sure winter like outside, so the boy walked inside a pub. Inside were tables full of people eating Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Cakes, so the boy sat done to a pair of monster looking dudes and challenged them to a contest. The boy was exhausted when he and the monsters could see no more, he was about to leave when he saw a head of long dirty brown hair. The girl was dressed in a red sweater over her pink dress, she was smiling at everyone and at everything. The boy was in love and then he saw a head of short black hair with nothing on, she was frowning at everyone and almost everything until she saw him. ” Are you new here?” She asked. The boy was distracted by her visage and said yes finally looking her in the eye. “Wanna find a room?” She asked. “NO!!!” the boy shouted and ran away and bumped into the dirty blond haired girl. “Oh, I so sorry”, He said. “No problem, are you new here I haven’t ever seen you before?” She asked. The...
Five Reasons to Be ANGRY!
Jelani Callender
1. I messed up on the unit circle in pre-cal so I got two bad grades...And now I have to put up with my father's crap on Sunday. 2. Obama was tried this week so all the STUPID REPUBLICANS even the ones with no money feel like they have won. 3. People treat the increase of jobs as a bad thing. 4. This bitch was bragging on how many girlfriends he has had and he was ugly too. 5. I have to spend my entire weekend on school stuff and that shouldn't be fun. This is five reasons to be angry.